Two Years

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of The Fantastic Four movie and characters. Only June.

Summary: Two years have gone by. Reed and Sue are getting married, Ben and Alicia are still happily together. As for June and Johnny; they were at their happiest - together and in love. But what happens when a 'silver surfer' enters the world of the Fantastic Five. People are going to get hurt; by the end of this hearts will break - but will they be fixed?

Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Two Years.

[Hours after the fall of Victor Von Doom]

"It's finally the end." June murmured as she and Johnny walked through the doors of the Baxter building apartment, hand in hand, blinking the tiredness of the day away. She wiped a hand over her eyes, "He's gone." Speaking of the notorious Victor Von Doom. He was finally out of their lives. He couldn't come near them ever again - and that was something she was glad for.

Johnny pulled her into his side, helping her walk as her motions struggled. "You need sleep." He could tell she was struggling to stay awake.

"Yeah," She nodded, completely agreeing while letting out a sigh. Looking up as they approached the middle of the main room, her eyes widened at the sight left behind just hours ago - everything was damaged. Several windows were smashed, furniture was ripped apart and all the projects she and Reed had been working on before this major event happened ... were destroyed.

"Oh, god." She muttered, dread creeping into her skin when she thought about tidying the place back up tomorrow. "What a mess." She gazed over to the wreckage and her heart constricted - her pupils stopping at one spot in particular in the corner, the very spot she remembered falling victim to Victor's assaults before blacking out.

Johnny looked down, noting her distant look, "June?" The moonlight from the broken window shone against her skin - she looked pale, her skin felt colder than usual and the black bags under her eyes were more pronounced within the moon's light.

She blinked, feeling reality sinking back in again. Looking back up, she noticed Johnny staring at her concerned. "I'm fine." She tried to convince him but a little nick in her throat told him otherwise - the words sounded more personal, much like she was trying to convince herself too.

Johnny rubbed his palm up and down her arm comfortingly; he couldn't fathom out what had happened in her brief disappearance, but something told him it wasn't good. He hoped she would feel trusting enough to share the experience with him when she was ready. "Everything's going to be okay." He promised, from this day forward - she was his world, and he could only hope she'll feel the same after today. Even after all the challenges and hills they've climbed - as if fate allowed it - they were meant to be. "I promise."

June leaned into his warm shoulder, just standing there and embracing her lover's body once again. The strain in her heart was gone and it's now been replaced by hope that one day - everything really will be okay.

And that promise ... she believe would come true.

Huge thank you to 'Iveya Jade's psycho mind 08' who gave me the starting idea I couldn't think of for this prologue to 'The Storm Ignites'. Sorry about the wait for this two; twice I was called to work because of bad scheduling and then because of my good nature I took a ten hour shift for a friend because she forgot about a soccer game that she needed to be at - and this is on top of the 35 hours I was already scheduled for. Phew, now I SHOULD have two days of no work now! Yey!

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