Victor Von Doom

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Warning! – There are a few words that aren't exactly 'kid-friendly'. Like, basic swear words I think I'd call them ... you have been warned...

You'll get to see a more badass June through this chapter too!


Fantastic 5: Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Victor Von Doom

"What the hell was that?!" The General boomed, flinging his arms out in exaggeration. He was furious with how the mission went down – people could have been killed because of their mishaps. He was standing with other 'higher up' representatives in the government chain, inside a United States official building. From where the Fantastic Five were standing; it looked like they were in some kind of courtroom/meeting room for officials.

Reed sighed, "We'll make adjustments." Knowing they did several wrong things during that mission – he wasn't going to put the full blame on Johnny, he couldn't do that because he ... himself, was technically the leader of the group. "Next time we'll be ready." Looking over to his team with a dedicated nod.

Johnny looked down in his spot because Reed should be blaming him for what happened – but he wasn't seeming too.

"Next time?" The General scoffed, not liking the idea and not agreeing that there will be a 'next time'. "There will be no next time." He had been officially reluctant to bring this band of freaks on in the first place, and every time he's gone to them in the last couple of days – something else seems to get screwed up. "You can't handle this alone." He declared because unfortunately, he can't get rid of them due to the President's orders – but he was allowed to bring someone in he did trust a lot more than these five. "That's why I'm bringing in some help."

"You can't just do that." June finally spoke up, her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against one of the built-in wooden seats. The ride back had been long, but after a long nap, she was feeling a lot better than she had been before. "The more soldiers you bring in, the more people are going to get hurt and be in danger." The army couldn't handle something like this 'Silver Surfer'; it was their territory. They just needed to get their bearings back together before going out again for another hit.

Suddenly a voice spoke, one that wasn't a pleasant surprise to anyone in the Fantastic Five. "No more than you already have, Junie." Victor's words came out with a drawling smirk. Everyone's head snapped up to the man entering the room. But June tensed on instinct, especially when her Johnny and Reed's nickname for her was used by the one man she despised more than anyone else in the world. Her eyes suddenly stared at the man with something unreadable in her eyes, this was the man who caused her so much pain - anger brewed within her gut.

Johnny was up on his feet instantly, instinctively stepping in front of June with an almost protective manner – he tensed himself, getting ready to fight if he had too. No way was he going to let that man anywhere near his Junie, no matter how much they were drifting apart again because of the stupid mistakes he's been making lately.

Sue's eyes were widened in shock while Reed felt the same – how the hell was Victor even standing there in front of them? And all ... 'human-like'? The last time they saw him was in their last big fight two years ago, he had literally been frozen while completely covered with a blistering hot metal framing. No one should have been able to escape that – even Victor.

Ben, on the other hand, clenched his rocky fists – steam practically coming out of his ears – and in the words of 'the thing's' motto – it's clobbering time for the arrogant man.

"Victor?" Reed breathed, his mind finally recognizing that the man was actually standing there – realizing that the General had actually invited this man to join in with the Silver Surfer quest.

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