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Fantastic 5: Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Prisoners

Jakutsk, Siberia.

It was way past dark by the time the next destination had arrived; one of which the Surfer would be help in a cell as well as his powerful board. The weather was frosty and snow was everywhere, there were mountains surrounding the three large domes that were used as bases.

The Fantastic Five were still stuck in their transport while the Military dealt with the Surfer by dragging him slowly towards the middle dome – two men had to lug the alien in by the arms, his feet dragging on the snowy ground. Silver chains that not even the strongest man could get out of were tightly secured around his body from both the waist, down to his hands and feet. There was no way he was getting out of that, even in the alien's best shape.

There were men in snow gear, all holding their weapons up tensely – almost as if they were ready to fire at any point should the alien start struggling to be freed. Dogs barked harshly, never staying quiet as the unknown being passed them.

This place seemed more like a death camp than an American Military Base.

The Five could only watch with uncertainty as the grey man disappeared within the complex, not knowing what could happen to him next.


"But General!" Reed exclaimed, his face red with anger, "We had an agreement!" The General was flat-out refusing to let either him or his sister further question the Surfer, or even get permission to just make sure that no extreme measures were being used during interrogations. June, on the other hand, was clenching her fists with much more anger - but also the hatred for this man was growing. She should have known this would happen – the bastard had brought the scum of the Earth back into their lives even after all the man had done, brought him back into play where he could do anything he damn well wanted.

The word, 'seething' would be the understatement of the Century.

"Calm down." The General ordered, looking at Reed. "The enemy has been captured – mission accomplished." But it was more than that, everyone knew full-well.

June narrowed her eyes, "Where is he?" Regarding towards the Surfer. There were so many bad scenarios going on around her head. Mostly, it's because of the Military and this man who gets to say what happens to the alien. Her gut churned badly.

"Contained." The man simply stated, not reacting as he gave a vague answer ... but all he did was confirm June's fear.

Without even getting another chance to talk, four people appeared behind the General – standing in the doorway to the room the Fantastic Five had been offered during their stay. "General." The front man spoke, getting the General to twist around in his spot. The man was of Military, but the three guys behind were not.

A slowly formed grin appeared on the General's lips, "Mr. Sherman." He greeted, recognising the man in the middle with a black briefcase held to his side. Two men looking as though they were bodyguards were standing behind. The General turned back to the Five momentarily, "If you'll excuse us ... we have work to do." Was all he said before he turned, ready to lead Mr. Sherman towards the alien that's locked up in his cell.

June took a step forwards in an attempt to stop his changed mind, "I want to be there for the questioning." She requested in a hard tone, not trusting the man ... he was going to do something completely barbaric, she could just feel it.

The General just glanced over his shoulder once, "That's not going to happen." He countered, not budging. He turned towards the Military man that had brought Mr. Sherman and his guards over, "Please make sure our guests remain here comfortably."

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