Wedding Planning and The General

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Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Wedding Planning and The General

"How about this one?" June held up another design photo, the tenth one to be exact. At this moment, she was trying to help Sue pick out what flowers she wanted at her wedding, the ones that would be stationed between each aisle as she and Reed got married. "The white flowers are 'Frangipani' and the yellow ones are 'Carnations'." She said, looking down at the picture full of flowers bundled together in a large black floor vase. They looked very beautiful and natural if she could say so herself.

Sue took the photo from June, looking at it inquisitively, "They are very beautiful, very... pure." She wanted her wedding to be bright and full of happiness; she wanted everything to be perfect. She leaned back on the sofa with a sigh, looking slightly stressed especially since this was the fourth time around already in trying to plan a wedding. It was beginning to get old and annoying fast. Suddenly her thoughts began to wander, wondering what her future husband was doing at his bachelor party right this second - she trusted him, but still she wondered.

June raised an eyebrow, making sure the decision had been made. "So, are these the perfect flowers?" Wanting to get this over and done with - don't get her wrong, she loved weddings because they were always full of love and that's something every person needed to survive. But after so long, it was becoming unbearable. She vaguely pondered on how wedding planners don't bite their own heads off with frustrations when it came to the bride's picking everything they wanted out. At times, she's felt like that with Sue - not that she'd admit it out loud of course.

"Uh-huh." The blonde mumbled, not really listening, still in the mind-set of wondering what her future husband was doing. Was he having fun without her? Was there girl's prettier than her there? She and June knew the bachelor was being taken to a club, something that Johnny had set up for him. But with Johnny being the one who planned this party, she could only think of bad things happening.

June looked at her best friend for a moment, before sighing, placing the pile of papers from her arms and back onto the desk, leaning back on her own sofa. She sat directly opposite the blonde. "Okay, what's up?" She questioned, "Tell me, come on."

Sue finally snapped out of it, turning to June who wore an expectant look, "Sorry, June." She apologized before sighing herself. "I guess I'm just a little scared for what Johnny's planned for the bachelor party." Looking a little ashamed at herself for a second, thinking about her own bachelorette party - her's had been a blast thanks to June.

June chuckled softly, understanding. "Sue, don't worry." She said, waving a hand at the subject, "I made sure that Johnny wasn't going to be doing anything above what he's allowed to." She grinned to herself, remembering her little body-part threat if anything inappropriate was to be happening.

Susan took a glance at the sneaky face, before instantly knowing what had happened. "Ahh." She realized, "I get it." She couldn't help but be thankful for having June in Johnny's life, and her own. It really is a dream to be marrying the man you love and be best friends with his sister, it definitely makes family troubles dim down exponentially.

It was a little weird though; the two Storm siblings were in relationship with the two Richard siblings, a bit odd some might say.

Suddenly, the phone rang - the one that was only connected to the ground floor where Willie was stationed as the building's doorman. June frowned, reaching over the side of the couch to pick up the ringing contraption - Sue had her eyebrows creased with confusion, she too was interested. "Hello?"

"Miss June." Willie's voice echoed through the speaker, his tone full of nervousness.

June easily picked up on this, "Willie, what is it?" Her stature on the seat straightened, tensing. Sue saw this and gave her best friend a look that said 'Tell me!'

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