Away from this Life?

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This is short, but it's pretty much a filler of the more boring scenes honestly.

Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Away from this Life?

Sue was sitting on the couch, biting her nails as she watched the TV – watching a rerun of a news reporter talking about her disastrous wedding, again. That's all these people seemed to care about these days was her and Reed's weddings!

"-This is the fourth time the Fantastic Five members Sue Storm and Reed Richards have tried to get married – but it's almost as if the Universe doesn't want them together. Are they really destined to be the first married pair of superhero's? Or will there be a split-up in out midst?"

Just as the news reporter finished, Reed was slowly walking in – realising what Sue was watching after having just passed the room. He had a pile of papers in his hands that June wanted him to take a look at and right now he didn't want to say 'no' to her. For some reason, she seemed to be a lot more reserved since clipping him over the head earlier today; for a moment he had figured it was because him and his 'intensive' comment, but it felt like something more than that now.

But he couldn't get a word out of her on the subject – she flat out refused to tell him what was the matter. But if he could guess in one word ... Johnny.

He made a mental note to talk to the guy at some point.

"Coming up next, the invisible woman's greatest fashion blunders and an impromptu dance routine from the former scientist, Reed Richards."

Reed was having enough of the news reporter, so he quickly went over and grabbed the remote, flicking the screen off so no more noise filled the room. He never liked to watch those news stations if he could help, because as Sue had thought earlier, most of the news seemed to revolve around them these days. "Sue, why do you keep watching this?" He almost scolded. "Just ignore it!" He did.

Sue's head flopped into her hands for a moment in not only exasperation but annoyance too. "I can't ignore it, Reed!" She burst, looking stressed, "There's no getting away from it!" Remembering back to the conversation back they had when June left the room – making a point in saying that this life was no way to raise a family, and that maybe something else could be better out there for them in the long-run.

"I believe there is." Reed backfired, quickly stating a fact that he's been thinking about ever since Sue brought the issue up earlier. He just wanted to make her happy – she's the love of his life, he'd do anything for her. Just like Johnny would for June.

Neither of them realised it, but Johnny had been passing by the room much like Reed had been. As he realised what type of conversation this was going to be, an interesting one, he decided to be bad and eavesdrop. He was interested in hearing what Reed was going to say back to his sister; about 'how they can get out of it'. He hid behind the edge of the door, making sure none of his body could be seen.

Sue didn't believe him, but a tiny part of her hoped he did. "How?" Reed was silent for a moment but it was only because he didn't really know how to word what his thoughts were just yet. There were many things pressing on his brain right now but he needed to form words. Sue didn't realise this, because she scoffed, "See? No answer." She sulked back into the sofa, shaking her head sadly.

"Yes, there is," He stated after a moment with a serious note to his voice, finally finding his words. He placed the papers down on the table, moving to sit beside his future-wife. "What if, after this crisis is over, we leave it all behind?"

Outside the door, Johnny was frowned into surprise, leaning in closer to hear better. Did he hear that right? Reed was suggesting that he and Sue leave the Fantastic Five?

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