Changing Molecules?

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Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Changing Molecules?

As soon as June had gotten Johnny back into the Baxter building, they headed straight for Reed. Who was, with no doubt, going to be doing exactly what the General had previously instructed – that they needed to figure out another way to track this ... Silver Surfer?

"All of June's results are normal." Reed was saying, peering into his microscope, after having taken a blood sample from both his sister and possible future brother-in-law. Although, he wasn't sure when Johnny was going to try asking his sister to marry him again, especially after his original plan had failed when the Surfer came into play and ruined his and Sue's wedding. This meant there had been no reception afterwards as previously planned.

The images that Reed received from Johnny's sample was that they were way above normal ... for them anyway. It was like his molecules were constantly shifting and changing, they weren't steady and calm like they usually were. He really didn't know what to think. "But, Johnny's..." His voice drifted off.

"Johnny's are what?" The younger man almost snapped, he wasn't very happy at the moment – everything just seemed to get worse and worse for him today. He was currently leaning against one of the side tables with June sitting up on the counter near him, but not side by side – finding it wise to not try the power switch again, but she did itch for him to hold her like he usually did. She could tell he was getting a bit antsy from the separation too.

Reed looked way too interested in this, more along the lines of fascinated by what was happening to Johnny. "You're encounter with the Surfer has affected your molecules." He looked up, "They're ... in a constant state of flux." Forgetting that he was talking to Johnny who didn't really care, or understand the technicalities of Science at his or June's level.

Johnny looked a little peeved – how was he supposed to understand that garble? "What's he talking about?" He whispered over to June. Only she made sense to him when it came to understanding either Science, or Reed for that matter.

June smiled slightly, leaning over to him, "Basically, your powers are having the ability to switch with someone else's. Pretty much the same as what happened outside – you transferred powers with me temporarily until we touched again."

"Ah." Johnny nodded to himself with a hum, understanding now – no one else in the room had been able to hear their small conversation.

Reed was writing down something in his little notebook, making the magnifying range larger to get a bigger picture of the strange sample, "Ideally I'd like to run some more tests-" Suddenly he was stopped by an overly-happy Ben.

"-Would you like a volunteer?" Ben had a large smile on his face, slamming down his raspberry smoothie next to Reed's work station. He had an idea that could get Johnny back for everything that had ever been done to him ... 'oh, this is gonna to be good' He thought.

"No, no, no!" Johnny yelled in panic, already knowing what Ben was thinking as the big guy started striding towards him – no! Anything but that! He jumped up to sit on the counter next to June, trying to get as far away from Ben – but he was trapped. "This is serious!"

Ben had to pause for a second as everyone else was yelling, 'No!'. He rolled his eyes, it would be a worth-wile experiment he thought. Ben glanced between June, Reed and Sue. "I just wanted to give him a hug." He protested, lying just a touch. Although, if his idea was going to work, and what happened to June would happen to him – then he was all for a one-deal hug.

"Ben, we don't know the extent of his condition yet." Sue tried to tell him, but knew it was no good – the Richard siblings seemed to see that too – Reed more than June.

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