The End is Here

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Fantastic 5: Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | The End is Here

Previously on 'The Storm Ignites'...

As the spear flew out of Victor's hand – soaring towards the Surfer, June did the only thing she could do with her powers – she threw up the Sue-like shield that consisted of the strongest ... but thinnest of water particles. But it was too late to thicken the water enough to be an effective shield – and even then, deep down, she was sure that the spear would have passed through it anyway. If Norrin was able to easily put his body through her barrier as he had done back in the forest – then this spear wasn't likely to be stopped by her heroic attempt.

Within less than a second, something along the lines of a grunt and a gasp ricocheted out of June's mouth when she stumbled back slightly. Her shield was still up, but something pierced through it. Her body grew numb with a cold, sinking feeling ... but especially around her chest. A shaky breath left her lips as her head turned downwards ... the spear that was meant for Norrin ... was sticking out of her own chest, and directly through her heart.



June's brain wasn't able to fully comprehend what had happened the moment she looked down at the spear sticking out of her chest. Her mind couldn't understand why ... but, she felt no pain. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through her veins within a mile a minute? But her hands were still up, her palms facing away to keep the shield up – but even that started to fade along with her ability to stand.

"JUNE!" She recognized the horrified cry from her brother, but she couldn't seem to pick up where he might be – her mind drifting to one thing and that one thing only. There's a spear made out of pure energy directly through her chest. The shield slowly diminished around the spear, almost like the object sucked away the power from it before leaving her standing there ... but even that wasn't for long.

Her legs suddenly gave way, her body flopping sidewards to the ground as if her limbs were made of jelly. Because of the spear; her upper body was suspended from the tarmac and now it painfully pressed against the inside of her body. Within seconds, the pain she hadn't felt after the initial impact – hit her with so much force it was like a truck had struck her instead, but without the broken bones.

The Surfer didn't know what to do – he couldn't understand why she would protect him. He never even got the chance to push her away, and now she's dying ... because of him. When she dropped to the ground, he felt his greyed body freeze – she reminded him so much that his love did, and now this one woman whose opened his mind to many things over the last few hours ... was going to die for protecting him.

June stifled a gasp when the side of her form hit the ground, fast-building pain starting to turn her body against her. This was the moment she felt Reed and Sue falling to her side, Ben rushing up from behind and Johnny flew down from the sky.

As soon as Johnny reached the ground, he starting sprinting towards her but his moves staggered when his brain caught up to what had happened – seeing the result of what Victor had done, "June..." He stumbled over the realization of what was happening. He started moving towards her, needing to hold her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay – but Ben stopped had to stop him, knowing exactly what the younger man wanted to do, "No, Johnny! You can't touch her!" Knowing the power switch could definitely cause harm at this point.

So Johnny had to watch with his own pain of seeing the woman he loved more than anything in the world ... start dying. He could see it in her eyes; they were already starting to dim from their sparkled hazel colour. A crack formed in his heart when her agonized gaze fell upon him for a second.

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