Silver Surfer?

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The last scene to this chapter is going to be different from what is shown in the movie, but I hope you like it!

Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | A Silver Surfer?

"He looked like a man." Johnny was saying, talking about his experience with the Silver Surfer ... thing he had been chasing. "But completely covered in silver." He was baffled, wondering if he was imagining what had happened himself. But something was wrong, he couldn't get this bad feeling out of his gut and he didn't even know what it is.

Ever since he began falling back to Earth, being relinquished from the silver man's tightened grip around his throat, he's felt different. His 'Flame on' hadn't even worked properly, he was damn lucky to even be alive honestly. He could have become pudding in that desert if it wasn't for his determination to live.

"And he was flying this like-" Trying to use his hands to explain what his words couldn't fathom out, but the only thing he could really relate a word to was, "-like a surfboard thing." He groaned, shaking his head. He looked up to everyone staring at him, "I know that sounds crazy." He thought he was crazy until he almost became pudding.

June suddenly went over to him, entering the room from the kitchen, clutching a large glass of filtered water. She sat next to him on the step, "Here." She passed the glass to him carefully, noting the slightly shaken hands he tried to hide. When he came back to the Baxter building, she was so damn relieved – her internal body had given a huge sigh of relief. But during his departure, there had been a churning in her gut as to why he was taking so long ... but she was glad her feelings had been wrong this time.

When Johnny had returned, he had immediately sprung the notice for a gathering for not only the group but the General and his lackey's too. He was so in his head at the moment that he hasn't even given June a hug, or even asked for the little box back from Reed. He didn't seem to have a right thinking mode on – what was happening to him?

Ben scoffed over to the side, standing near Reed, "Oh, no – not at all." He spoke in an amused manner, finding this scene funny. He chuckled, unable to help it, "So did you follow the shiny man to Lollipop Land or the Rainbow Junction."

June snapped not wanting him and Johnny to get into a stint, especially right now, "Ben, quit it!" This was serious.

Johnny knew Ben would do this, he wouldn't have expected anything less. Especially, by the way, he's treated him since meeting him. "Look, I know what I saw." He said in a hard but exasperated voice. He was feeling tired, his body ached and his stomach was rolled but not in a good way.

"Thank you." Reed was the one to stop the possible fight before it broke out. The General looked at them like he usually acted but he didn't like the sound of what Johnny was saying, if it were true.

Reed took a deep breath, "It's okay, Johnny." He told the younger male sitting next to his sister. He then turned his everyone with an undivided attention, "Now, whatever this thing's physical appearance is – it has the ability to convert matter and energy."

The General frowned, thinking he understood, "So, it caused the anomalies."

"We shouldn't skip that far ahead, but, it does seem to radiate cosmic energy," June explained, shifting in her seat next to her boyfriend, turning herself into an 'information-giving' mode. "Otherwise, it wouldn't have affected my sensor the way it did."

Reed nodded, "When it exerts itself, it randomly affects matter. Evidently this ... entity, this..." Glancing over to Johnny, trying to figure out a good thing to call the creature for the moment. "...Silver surfer. It didn't want to be detected."

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