BONUS - Along the Way

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CJ/Oddball [Fanfiction]

Sometimes [Quotev]

Kiikatty [Wattpad]

Thank you guys so much for your suggestions!

Oh, warning, a swear word in this chapter!

Fantastic 5: Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | BONUS - Along the Way

"Do you, Johnny Storm ... take June Richards to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I do."

"Do you, June Richards ... take Johnny Storm to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife - you may kiss the bride."


Over the next six months; quite a few things happened. Not only did Johnny and June FINALLY tie the knot but the Fantastic Five family was about to get bigger. About a month after the Destroyer was vanquished, Ben proposed to Alisha, whom happily said 'Yes'. A few weeks later she finally moved into the Baxter Building with them and was now sharing a bedroom with the man she loved.

On top of the wedding and Alisa's permanent arrival ... Sue was pregnant. Reed and Sue had been practically jumping with happiness every time the baby was mentioned; they figured he/she must have been conceived about a week from returning home. Everyone was clearly happy for them; and found it amusing whenever Sue had instant hormonal episodes.

Let's just say - Reed Richards looked positively frightened the other day.

Currently; Johnny and June were alone in a small boat, sailing towards a small island off the coast - they were finally and officially married which meant ... Honeymoon time. The couple were on a small but large enough boat, one that they rented for the two weeks away. Johnny was Piloting, as usual, looking out to the water with two arms wrapping around his midsection, a body leaning into his back and a chin on his shoulder.

"Where are we going?" June asked, again, a small pout on her lips as her eyes gazed up towards her husband's face. For the past two months, he's said NOTHING about where he's taking her and like he already knew ... she could get very impatient. But she tried stopping herself from asking - knowing he wanted to surprise her. She even tried luring him with sex to get her answer, but still, nothing seemed to work. June had to hand it to him, though, he had a strong will NOT to tell her what she wanted to desperately know.

Johnny's lip quirked, "Nope." Putting the emphasis on the, 'P' while slowly shaking his head. They were almost there and no way was he going to reveal that secret but was silently loving her position behind him - although, he'd rather be the one hugging her from behind. "Besides," He continued, looking up to see something familiar finally coming into his vision. "We're here."

...The Rest Can Be Found in 'To Have and To Hold'...

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