The Big Day

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IMPORTANT – What June will be wearing for the wedding will be up on my Polyvore account. Under the code 'June, Wedding'.

Enjoy the long-awaited chapter!

Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | The Big Day

June was standing next to the Sensor station she built inside the Baxter building. For several days now, it was the only thing she's been working on. But today, it was her brother's wedding, and she needed to hurry. From what she could tell, the wedding was going to start in about an hour – and she wasn't even dressed! She was still wearing a pair of leggings and a large t-shirt of Johnny's, basically, her nightclothes. Her hair wasn't looking too good either being in a loose braid with several strands hanging out unattractively.

June was plugging away at the keyboard attached to the console, applying a few more controls – she had the General on a video feed to the side. He was waiting, not very patiently might she add, for her to complete the sensor so they could figure out where this silver figure was to be going next.

She heard footsteps to the side but didn't look up. "June, come on." Ben's voice caught her attention, "Your gonna miss your own brother's wedding at this rate!"

"Just a minute!" She exclaimed, getting on her hands and knees before crawling under the sensor – needing to fiddle with a few wires, something just isn't connecting right. She connected a pair right before trying to crawl back out, but hit her head in the process, making her grunt. "I'm almost finished!"

Ben stood there by the entrance to the mini-lab, watching as June heaved herself up from the floor, rushing back over to the keyboard he had seen her at when he first came in.

"General." She started, putting in her focus towards the video screen to the side. It wasn't hard to miss at all; the General was literally showing up on a flat screen TV hanging from the ceiling. "I'm putting the sensor on ... now." She hit a button, activating the sensor to turn on. On her screen, a diagram of the sensor flashed green with the code, 'System Online' flashing in her face.

Now the General knew where to find this thing, wherever it would go next, especially with the satellite out in space helping to narrow the search.

June looked up to the General, not realising Ben was taking a few steps closer to her. "If there's a surge in Cosmic Radiation anywhere on the planet, we'll know about it."

"I hope so, Richards." The General replied, not sure whether to trust this machine she's made. Although he did have to admit, it did look better than something Reed would have created. This machine looked more sophisticated and simple to use. "We've already got reports on two more craters."

"June..." Ben's voice sounded warningly, he wanted her to hurry up. Didn't girl's take a while to get dressed and put on makeup and stuff?

June twisted around to him for a moment, "I know alright!" She snapped suddenly, making Ben blink in surprise. It took a second for June to realise what she had and quickly enough she began to apologise, "Ben, I'm sorry." She told him, looking apologetic, "But I don't take that long to get ready and this is more important than how I look right now." Susan probably wouldn't agree with that statement, though.

She put in a few more things, and then, she was done.

"It's done." June chuckled to herself, taking a step back from the masterpiece. She closed the video feed connecting her to the General before turning to Ben, giving him a nod and a smile. "Now, I'll go get ready."

As she sprinted out of the Sensor room, she shouted to Ben, "Make sure you keep my brother out of that room!"


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