The Sensor

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Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | The Sensor

June had a pencil between her lips, looking down at her notes with her lips pursing with concentration, she was on her way up to the roof, wanting to get working on the satellite as soon as possible - realistically, she needed it complete before her brother's wedding tomorrow. "This should definitely work." She murmured to herself, reaching the exit at the top that would give her access to the instrument crucial to her plan.

As the cold air hit her, she looked up to the very large satellite sitting there on the roof, but halted in her steps when she noticed someone playing with the controls hidden within the machine. "Reed?!" She narrowed her eyes at her brother as the pencil was taken out of her mouth, seeing him there, doing her job. "What the hell are you doing?!" She demanded. He shouldn't be anywhere near this project, it's the whole reason she was to be doing this by herself.

Reed jumped in his skin, looking behind him with widened eyes of shock, but then had the decency to feel guilty for being caught. "June, I was just-" He couldn't think of a lie that would pass by his sister, so he sighed before telling the truth. "I'm sorry, but I need to help - I have to help." He couldn't let his little sister deal with a big project like this on her own, even though he knew she was completely capable of doing so - it felt wrong and cold to just leave her doing everything just because of his wedding. He could still help and get through his wedding without postponing it ... again.

June was shaking her head, "Uh, no." She scoffed, shaking a finger at him. "You are not helping with this - you can help by getting ready for your wedding tomorrow, getting all of your last minute things sorted."

Reed gave her a pleading look, wanting to help so bad with a project like this. "June - please!" He begged, he almost resorted to clasping his hands together and holding them towards her, he was already on his knees from looking inside the satellite controls.

June found it hard to resist her brother's pleading and after a moment her shoulders dipped down, unfortunately giving in. "If Sue finds out ... I'm telling her I said no but you wouldn't take that for an answer." Shaking her head before she went over to join her brother. Passing over her notes to him, letting him know of the plan she had come up with over the last few hours of working on it so far. She bent down and reached into the machine, beginning to fiddle with the components inside that needed to be changed to the right specifications.

Reed looked down at her notes and the sketches she's made, "These are amazing." He said with awe, it had been much better than he had originally thought of.

June chuckled to herself, "Yeah, well - like Johnny said yesterday, I'm smarter than you." She teased, taking out a slide before examining it, putting it in a different place than before.

"Hey," Ben's voice sounded behind them, startling Reed a little more than June, "What are you doing up here?" His words directed to Reed who he saw helping June with her project.

Reed cringed with thought, "I'm just helping June with some advice." He tried to lie, but it was something he was never really good at.

Ben obviously didn't believe him, neither did June because they both shared a snort of amusement together. "You've forced June into letting you help her didn't you?" He knew better. He completely had faith that June could do this by herself, but her brother was the most stubborn one when it came to the science - the man wanted to be apart of everything that had to do with it. "And I'm guessing that Susie doesn't know anything about this."

Reed's eyes suddenly widened, thinking his best friend was going to tell his future wife about what he was doing. "Don't worry." Ben shook off Reed's worries, letting him know he wouldn't tell a soul unless having too. "My lips are sealed."

June suddenly gave a laugh, sensing the joke in his words. "Ben, you don't have any lips." Laughing a little more as she looked between her brother and friend.

Ben rolled his eyes, a smile on his face, "Ha-ha."

"Look, ah-" Reed glanced between his sister and Ben, "-don't tell Johnny." He asked. Ben was about to say 'Sure' but June was going to say the opposite, being that she wouldn't promise. She and Johnny don't keep secrets from each other anymore, ever since they've gotten back together. They have trust built back up again and she didn't want to jeopardise that.

A 'whoosh' sounded in the air, "Don't tell Johnny what?" Johnny appeared over to the side, having just flown over to see them - or more specifically his girlfriend, but this conversation sounded interesting, devilishly speaking. June looked up to him with a smile, something he was able to bring out of her just with his presence alone these days.

Johnny looked over to where June was working, but then noticed Reed sitting next to her holding her notes. You could tell they were her notes due to the more fancier, cleaner writing and the little jot-notes around the border - this was something she did to make sure nothing had been forgotten. "Are you helping Junie build that sensor?" He was glad because he didn't like to see her stressed out, but knew that if Susan found out - Reed may not have his personal parts left after lying to her about purely focusing on the wedding.

Reed tried to scoff at the absurdity at that question, "What? No..."

Just like Ben and June, Johnny was highly amused by the terrible acting skills the man possessed. Johnny laughed a little more, waving his hand, telling him to stop before he dug himself into a deeper hole. "If Sue finds out, you'll get an invisible kick in the nuts." He warned.

June couldn't disagree with that statement, "So true." She murmured to herself, starting to re-wire the satellite.

Ben was suddenly giving Johnny a threatening look, stopping the guy from moving. "Hey, hey." Poking his finger in the younger man's chest, "We're keeping this quiet."

Johnny groaned, knowing that June would also castrate him too if he ratted out Reed to his sister. "I know." He rolled his eyes, complying with their wishes no matter how much he didn't want to.

June sighed, "So this stays between us four." She stated, before getting back to work with Reed by her side. Johnny and Ben left the siblings a little while later to let them work, knowing that people looking over their shoulders wouldn't be the best thing to do.

This sensor also really needed to be complete as soon as possible.

Note: I know, I know. This chapter is pretty short, the shortest one so far in this book. I just didn't want to have this in the same scene in the Wedding chapter. That one will be much longer, 3000+ i imagine.

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