Airports & Planes

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Fantastic 5: The Rise of the Silver Surfer | The Storm Ignites | Airports & Planes

Two years later, almost to the day the crew of the Fantastic Five found themselves at an airport - on their way home from another state of the US. They sat together with other flight passengers awaiting to aboard their trip home. Not much has happened over that long period of time - you'd think after Reed and Sue were engaged that week after Victor's demise, they'd be happily married - possibly even with a child. But, no. They've tried three times to have their wedding so far; and each time it was destroyed by another 'Save The World' project or stopping some idiot making a mistake, nearly blowing up the Universe. As for kids; who'd want their children to grow up in the spotlight of reporters - they couldn't do that. They'd have to have a normal life and that's just something they're not able to do.

The five of them had made a little area for themselves, one or two of them occasionally signing some autographs or playing with the kids to pass the time. Johnny sat in one of the seats with June lounging in his lap peacefully reading her book. He kept his arms wrapped around her waist possessively, letting her lean again his chest. All the women around them were either swooning or bubbled up with jealousy. Ben was up and around playing with the kids; showing and telling jokes along with just simply playing with them. He loved kids as much as any of them. Reed and Sue were standing together over to the side, their focus bouncing between the large TV that currently played the news or looking down at the newspaper to see what was happening lately.

"Last night, the FAA was forced to ground all aircrafts - leaving thousands stranded." The news reporter on the television announced; pictures of all the grounded airplanes lined up, still on the ground instead of in the air where they should be - videos of all the people waiting around also popped up during the talk. June looked up from her book, silently wondering why those planes were leaving the thousands of people stranded. She noticed the headline underneath the picture, 'MASSIVE BLACKOUT'. She frowned, 'That's odd', she thought. "When electronic failures and mysterious power outages crippled the western United States."

The pictures on the screen turned to the woman actually talking; the physical new reporter herself. "But, the big story today ..." A picture of Reed and Sue together came up beside the woman's head; a little logo beside it saying 'Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman'. The woman continued, "...the much-anticipated wedding of fantastic couple Reed Richards and Susan Storm will take place this Saturday."

June scoffed lightly, hearing what the reporter was saying, "Why can't those stupid reporters keep their traps shut?" Closing her book with the bookmark in its spot, making sure she didn't forget what page she's on.

"I know." Sue agreed, she and Reed were standing practically right next to her and Johnny. "It's ridiculous."

Reed nodded, "Unbelievable." Why couldn't he and Sue just have a wedding without the media having a huge fuss about it? He wanted to finally marry the love of his life - why couldn't he have that? He looked down at the paper in his hands, scoffing much like his sister had earlier as he realised something, "Bizarre anomalies are occurring all over the world, defying every law of physics ... and all the media cares about is what china pattern we've picked!"

Ben suddenly perked up at the change of subject, pausing in his fun with the kids, "What did you pick?" He wondered. He looked way too excited for wedding planning, and it wasn't even his! "The blue ones with the little flowers? I like them."

June nodded, "They were really nice." She agreed, before turning to Johnny to ask for his opinion. "What's your vote?"

Johnny hummed, thinking about it for a moment as his chin leant into her neck. Over the past two years, Johnny had become a completely different man - he was more mature; although there was still some of the old immature part still inside him, but that was fine with his love. He was more protective of June after the Victor incident, more possessive in a loving way and he was actually a good person to talk to Reed found out. "Blue is my favourite colour." He leaned over to whisper into her ear, "But you knew that already." His eyes sparkling with playfulness - he watched the brunette's skin flash red, blush forming over her slightly tanned cheek bones.

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