October 19th, 2023

787 21 18

Amelia's POV:

* tear warning *

Today may be the worst day in Josh's life, it's the day of Papa Dun's funeral. Mr.Dun had another heart attack and didn't have the same luck as before.

"Baby are you okay" I said tying his tie.

"Do I look okay" He said with frustrated tears

"Shh it's okay" I said putting my hand on the back of his head.

"I can't go" he cried

"Josh it's hard, I know but this is one of those dumb grownup things we have to do" I said rubbing his back

"I got this" he said taking a deep breathe.

"Isaac honey are you ready?" I said leaving the room

"Yes mommy" Isaac smiled

"Now Isaac I need you to go give daddy a big boy hug since he's sad ok" I said kneeling down to his level

"Ok mommy" he smiled hugging me

My smiley boy. He is always so happy and smiling. I guess I've done something right. Isaac is the sun everyone needs on a cloudy day like today.

"Hey Ahme I think it's time to go" Steve said walking into the room nervously

"Ok, I'll get Josh" I said before walking slowly into the bedroom

Josh had his back turned to me and was shaking. I saw Isaac's little hand around his back.

"Baby it's time" I said walking slowly up to him

"Ok" he said solemnly

"I love you so much Josh. I'm here always. Don't be scared ok" I said rubbing his back

"I love you" he said kissing my forehead

I grabbed his hand tightly and grabbed Isaac's as well. Together we walked down the stairs and into the living room of the Dun's.

"Momma" Josh said hugging his mom tightly

"I can't" she said shaking

"We got this, we're the Dun's" she said taking a deep breathe. And flattening her dress

I hugged her tightly before we all got into the car and I drove us to the church.

All of their friends came up to say there condolences. The service began and tears erupted from the whole Dun family and myself. Josh and Laura were the worst. It hurt so bad to see everyone I love in pain. I did my best to hold myself together for all of them but it was so hard. The only tears I ever wanted to see from this family are happy ones and it hurt like hell knowing that they are sad tears. Mr.Dun would be making a joke right now on how tears are for babies and happy times which we would all laugh about.

"Is there anyone here who would like to say a few words" the pastor said

Josh stood up with his crinkled paper that he kept folding out of nervousness. I gave him a reassuring smile once he reached the podium.

"My father was an amazing man, we got into arguments while I was a teen but that means nothing at all. He was always there for me and my siblings when we had a bad day or needed some advice. I've never talked at one of these before so I guess this is what you do. He was the person I looked up to the most and I would not be the man I am today without him. I hope I can be half the man he was for my own son and my wife." He said whipping a year away and stepping out of the podium.

Josh sat back down and I rested my head on his shoulder. The service ended after a few speeches and we headed back to the Dun's.

The house was full of grieving family and friends. Tyler and Jenna were standing in the corner while Jacklyn and Isaac sat quietly building with Legos.

Love Must Come to an End Right?// Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now