Chapter 4: Seeing The Double

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I slowly got up from my bed and looked at him.


"Ugh, don't you dare fucking lie to me! I swear I saw you in the living room, playing around with a candle. Then I heard a thump and you were gone and now your up here. Is this SOME KIND OF A FUCKING JOKE?"

"....yeah, that was me." I lie.

"Well, I talking to you, and you ran up and ignored me like a Lil bitch! Don't do that again EVER. Got it, fag?"

I nodded slowly. Then the idiot left me room for sure.

"Did he see me the living room....what?"

Don't you just HATE him?

Woah. Was that real?

Yes it was. But only YOU can hear me.

Nope. I'm going to sleep.



I ended up waking up with a horrible headache. Maybe because of my damn alarm. I turned if off and got ready for school.

20 minutes later

Me and Trinity took the bus today. Man. Normally, school was ok for me. But today just felt...horrible. Like I had a feeling I was just going to HATE today. I didn't feel like I wanted to remember it.

Period 3: Math

Well, more walking to math. It was my least favourite so I took a while. I was quiet today. My friends clearly noticed. I got text messages from them while in English, asking me if I was alright. And I wouldn't reply. I don't even know myself. Just...stressing, thinking, maybe?

Then, someone fell while in the hall way. This someone was a specific guy I hate, named Ian. He bothered me and teased me in class SO much. Obviously people looked at him, and asked if he was alright, he ended up getting up by himself, yet he fell halfway.

"WHO PUSHED ME?" He screamed.

"No one did, you fell by yourself." His friend said.


"Dude chill! No one did it, just c'mon we're late for class."

I stopped looking and kept walking. I don't know why, but I kind of enjoyed watching that. I had a little smirk on my face.

Throughout the rest of the day, more and more people kept experiencing the same thing Ian did. Specifically people I also disliked a lot, which was a few popular people. I enjoyed it the entire time. Finally, at the end on the day, while we were walking down the stairs, the biggest person I hate tripped down the hard stairs...which involved a bit of blood...but still...what was going on? I walked home with Trinity as usual, and we had a chat about it.

"Dude. All the bitches fell today, and I heard some people say someone pushed them." She starts off.

"They're lying. I saw them ALL fall. No one did."

" You saw them ALL? Maybe YOU did it." She smirked at me.

"...maybe I did." I smirked back.

"For real?"

"No. I swear I didn't. Well, I dunno. Plus it's all the peeps I hate. What a coincidence."

"Maybe your like Carrie..."

"Shut the fuck up, no I'm not."

We didn't stop anywhere this time. We eventually decided to come home. Logan went to go play basketball with his friends. Trinity quickly ran up to her room to go charge her iPod touch, while I just stood at the table where I did that weird chant thing. Whatever Logan had said about earlier, was it true?

I started moving slowly to the dead candle.. I looked at it. I looked straight at my reflection.  Something looked..odd...but what?

Right then, Alexis came in and started screaming.



"Hey, why aren't you happy that I'm home huh? I'm talking to you! Stop ignoring me!"


"Fine then. When your dying, and your calling me for help, I'm not gunna respond."

She ran upstairs and started calling for Trinity. I turned to glance back at the candle.

Holy shit.

My eye pupils were fucking purple.
And the lashes were blue.

I rubbed my eyes once again to make sure this wasn't true. Nope, I still had the look.

I went to a real mirror. Looked the same.

I finally went up to Trinity to see how she would react. She looked like there was nothing wrong with them.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face.


My eyes went bigger. It sounded SO REAL. Like someone was in the bathroom with me and said that.

I looked at the mirror. Nobody was there. Either I'm crazy, or DAMN! My head is LOUD.

How was school?

I looked around again. I'm not gunna lie, I was terrified.

Did you enjoy watching them all fall? Maybe I did the pushing, hehe.

I was dying now. I exited the bathroom and went for my room. I decided to was time to listen to some tunes and forget about this shit. What to listen to?

Don't argue. You enjoyed them falling. Didn't you? Especially the LAST one, heh.

Ok...maybe, I did.

Then why didn't you laugh at her? Didn't you ALWAYS want to feel higher than her when she always brought you down? People always bring you down, and what do you do about it? Nothing. Logan, is a total dick. He insults you and beats you and what do you do? Nothing. People at school have higher marks than you, more friends than you, and always talked about it around you. What did say back to them? Nothing. That's why I'm here to help.

And then I finally saw her. Standing right in the edge of my bed. She was an exact copy of me, but was all purple with pitch black eyes. Her hair was all purple, her skin was all purple. And her  face as gone. Except her beady full pitch black eyes.

I know, you want revenge. Go on. Do it. Prove your better.

My heart was beating too fast right now. And with every word she enhances, it ended up with thunder booming too. Man, It ALWAYS rained when I was depressed.

"What the hell are you?" I whispered slowly.

Believe it or not, Im inside you. I'm Trouble, one your inner demons. There are ALOT of us.

"Why are you here?"

You may or may not have developed a deadly disease. Maybe your psychologist can tell you about it.

Thunder boomed real loud that time, it startled me. There was no lightning. Oh, and there comes the fast rain tapping up against the window. The wind blew HARD. I can hear it.

I was going to ask Trouble where she went, but I guess she left. She was gone from her spot, that's good though, her cold dark state looked like she wanted to cause havoc.

And maybe you would like it. Doesn't it sound good? Getting revenge on people who made you suffer?

My light flashed a few times before going completely out. And I got another text.

Thanks for freeing me yesterday. Since I DO cause trouble, you wouldn't mind if I brought out a few more other friends, now would you?

Uh oh. What exactly did I just start?

And then I heard a scream. From Alexis.

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