Chapter 11: Can A Monster Feel?

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I looked at what I just done. One of my worries were finally gone, yet the memories are going to be a pain for the next while or so. I took a step back and smirked. My art, my work of creation, my happiness I finally let felt amazing!

You did it...your finally one of us.

I began to walk away from the bloody mess of my cousin I left on the floor, but then I turned back around...and I started to feel like a guilty monster.

NO! Your sanity is coming back...we almost had her...

I then knelt down to him. All the good memories we had, came back. So this is what MY kind of insanity was like. The killing part makes you feel invincible and joyful. And the voices start talking. The sane part brings my emotions back...and the voices disappear.

It's not insanity or sanity. It's Shadow Syndrome. You'll feel it some times. And soon, FOREVER.

There was something about that voice that disturbed me. I swear I heard it before. But I didn't have any time to think about that. No. Not just yet. Instead of hiding the body, I left it there. I KNEW nobody was going to come all the way here to find a useless idiot like this one. And I don't care if they find my finger prints. I began to walk up the stairs slowly and think about it now.

I'm a murderer...

I just killed someone.


UGH! I just wanted those satanic voices in my head to leave. I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I was exhausted. I couldn't fall asleep yet. As I walked towards the hallway I couldn't help but think about that day. Horrible flashbacks came as I saw myself huddling around all the grownups crying, and watching myself struggle to grab my plush from him. Then I saw the exact same corner sofa in the dark room where I silently cried, and couldn't help it. One of MY own tears began dripping down my cheeks, yet I quickly wiped them away. I walked outside to the backyard. It was very fancy too. They had beautiful stone stairs leading to a small glass table where people could sit and eat, a beautiful garden along the full black gateway around the backyard, a field for kids to run around in, and a shed. They also had a side where a 2nd underground house in the basement lead. The sun was almost up. It was like 5AM, maybe?? I don't even have any clue. I think I lost track of time. I sat down on the table and looked up at the sky. I remember on July 1st when I watched fireworks with him and ate chocolate cake. I sighed. What have I become?

I walked back inside. The long pillars and railways in swirls were high on the ceiling, as well as a nice chandelier. How could someone who grew up in such a fancy and nice family...become what he was today?

Don't give in. Listen to us.

Ugh! WHEN WILL THESE VOICES STOP!!! I grabbed my hair and I felt like pulling it. When did this happen? How long have I been this way? The police would be nearby soon. I began to head downstairs and back to the bloody body. I decided I was going to bury it in their backyard. But then I came back down and...

The body was gone.

I also saw bloody footsteps head towards the closet.

When I head closer, I started calling Trinity's name. She called from the other room, and screamed. When I look inside there,

I saw Atif.

And he was alive.

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