Chapter 17: Once and for all

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Me and Trinity went home and made the decision to fight off the demons the way Larry told us to. First, we needed to go to the insane hospital and get tested so they KNEW we were infected. Than, we need an exorcism performed on us....even though it wasn't going to be so pretty. Finally, while were knocked out during that whole thing, we need to get inside our heads and fight the demons revolving around our heads. The whole plan to become normal again was set, except one thing;

We needed a way to make sure my mom didn't find out anything.

I was thinking about sneaking outside and attempting a run through the forest to find the hospital, since I couldn't go out in public. People still know I was the girl who stabbed someone. Although I also needed to figure out where the hospital was before. While Trinity created a plan for mom in case anything happened, I searched up the location of our nearest asylum.

241 Moncery Rd.

The fastest route towards us was 10 minutes to drive. If you walk, it would take an hour and 30 minutes. But if we ran quickly through the road at night, it would've taken just 45 minutes. It would've been better at night on the road.

Time to sneak out and get ready.

"Do we have food?"

"A small container filled with strawberries, a blue raspberry Gatorade, and 1 monster for me. Check!" I say as Trinity checks off the list.

"Do we have Money?"

"I stole an extra $20 from Logan's old coin box, so now we have $50."

"Do we have bus tickets?"

"Check. We have 6 to be exact."

"Good. Cell phones?"


"Do we need anything else?"

"Nope." I put $25 for me, the strawberries and monster, 3 bus tickets in my bag and my cellphone in my pocket. Trinity got the other half of stuff.

By 10PM we were already ready. We already finished dinner and mom was heading off to bed. We planned to pull off an all Nighter until 1:30 AM, so we make it until 2. Mom had work tomorrow at 7, so we were planning on finishing this early. I read online and apparently the hospital was obviously opened 24/7.

By 1:30, mom was already sleeping. We took little naps, one stayed up while the other stayed up. We took little 30 minute naps until it was time to finally head out.

We went downstairs and quietly turned off the security. We quickly opened the slide backyard door and closed it quietly. We jumped over our backyard fence and instantly ran as fast as we could towards the forest. Nearby, was a blue and white broken house I was thinking about visiting one day, since I already knew it was abandoned.

I grabbed Trinity's hand and made her run as we saw a black car driving nearby, filled with drunk teenagers laughing and speeding away. Nearby was a police car. OH SHIT. One was sober and might've known us. So we ran until we couldn't see the cars anymore. When we ran back to face the road, they were easily gone, but when we turned in....

Damn. I think we were lost.

There was no way we could walk on the road if cars kept coming. I also heard many stories about people pulling over and kidnapping pedestrians walking nearby. We had no choice but to take the forest.

"I thought we were gunna take the...road?" She says pointing to it.

"We can't. They'll notice us. We need to take a forest where no one can see us hiding in."

"But do you know the way?"

All I did was give her a sad and worried glance. I had no clue whatsoever.

The road headed north, to where we were supposed to go, so we first went that way. I think I got 100s of cuts from branches in my way, but that didn't stop us.

Than we turned left, and had to cross the road. Thankfully, no one saw us, as we just ran across the road anyway even though it was on stop for the walkway, and ran behind the hill, where hopefully no one would notice us. People would think we were stealing or vandalizing or taking drugs or something. We went into a few neighbourhoods in and out and walked towards a stone filled pathway. Within and hour, we approached a grey building, which I assumed to be the asylum. It definitely spooked me out.

"Is this the asylum?" Trinity walks ahead to look for a sign, or anything. All we saw was 36S A.

"Let's check it though. It might be the asylum."

So we walked towards the front
only to find the door completely open.

"Um....Trina I don't think this is the hospital." She stutters as she looks around the dark.

"What was the address again?!" I exclaimed and face palmed. How could I have been so stupid to forget?!?! It was....Moncery something. I forget the number.

We took a look inside and...


Covered in blood. It couldn't have been an asylum. Or could it? What if it was someone's personal torture house? We weren't taking ANY risks walking in.

We needed Wifi to find the address. I didn't care if it wasted money. This was an emergency.

Right! The address was 241 Moncery Road.

Using our location, it was 17 minutes away, north east.

Following the stone trail again, I couldn't help but turn around and look at the building again. What was that?! Was it part of the asylum? Something bugged me and urged me that it was part of the asylum. Maybe abandoned....

Not so fast. You have THIS whole night to get knocked out. Until 6AM. If you don't make it in time, we'll attack and take over. Good luck.

Me and Trinity BOTH heard that in our heads as it started to lightly rain a little bit. I pull out my phone and glanced at the time 2:04AM.


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