Chapter 9: Horror story much?

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I slowly turned to whatever the hell she was looking at. I saw a guy. He had
long black hair, TONS of facial hair, normal blue jeans and white hoodie. He was just staring at me.

"Holy shit... " I thought to myself.. He looks like Logan!" "No wait...older."

" Guess you two got into some trouble huh?" He said. He didn't have much of a deep voice, but rather an unsettling one.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said coldly.

"C'mon how can you NOT REMEMBER ME. We had a fight about a good 3 years ago. Ya know, when you were still a retarded little child."

I then got a good look at his face. Oh god. I knew this man.

"What the hell do you want and why the hell are you even all the way here?"

"Don't you look older, hm? Black and white vans, ripped up blue jeans, a Green Party animal sweater and a black leather jacket on top, what are you hiding under that hideous hoodie? Woman makeup?"

" you didn't answer my question." I say, with venom in my voice.

"And for a good reason. Come closer and I'll tell you why." He says as he smirks and waves one finger towards us. Then Trinity gasped.

"HOLY SHIT ITS ATIF!" My sister shrieked as she backed away. I rolled my eyes. She makes every little thing sound like a true horror movie when in's just reality.

"And I guess Trin hasn't changed much...but you have." He says pointing to me.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" I say as I start walking away with Trin.

Of course, he then grabs my hand out of surprise, making me freak out and sharply turn around.


I saw a gag cover my mouth, and I just couldn't react so quick. I started breathing from my nose and took a deep breath until he covered it. Trinity was screaming and it quickly stopped as he motioned something to her but I didn't see it as he was behind me. The inside of me started to hurt.

Oh c''mon not THAT fast!" I pleaded to myself.

Trinity screamed one last time and that was all I heard after I took a deep breath and blacked out.


I woke up in someone's house. It was STILL dark out. I expected a sunny morning. I had my old iPod with me. I glanced at the time. 4:47AM. Shit. I left it at my house. I wish I had my phone, then I could've called someone to get me out of here.

I glanced to my other side. Trinity was still asleep. So I shook her awake. It took her a while to wake up, but she was finally up.

"Where the hell are we?" She says

"I'm guessing he also gagged you, right?" I say, looking at a little cut around her cheek.

"Yeah. The moment I screamed he turned around and gave me this nasty cut." She said as she pointed to it. "But don't worry. It doesn't hurt."

"Check this place out..." I say as we look around our room. The windows were secured with something. There was a computer desk and a normal block TV. There was a giant rocking chair thing. The bed was HUGE. The room was huge. The bathroom door was open and had a LONG dark path. And the closet was a cute little place to hide in.

I got up and tried the door. It was unlocked. Perfect. Knowing Atif, he was quite an idiot when it came to this kind of stuff. Trin followed behind me as we looked out. We then realized something.

This was our old house. The one we moved out of a long time ago. It was horrible. Stains were everywhere, and it was covered with..stuff. Furniture and decor was all shattered and broken, especially glass. In other words, this place sucked.

"'s not bad, but it could use some major......." Trin started.

"Clean up." I finished off for her.

We walked down the large fancy stairs. And since we knew the whole area, we knew the door would never open for us. Instead, we used to escape through the basement, where a separate room was hidden. The last time I've been there, was Atif's workout area.

We quietly grab the door handle and and unlocked the door. We heard a door open upstairs. Oh god. He was coming down the stairs. And he was running. The last time I saw him do THAT, was when we got into that fight years ago. He ran through the door with my stuff and ran into the forest at night.

By now, we were bolting down the stairs. And then back the other ones where the dead end door was.

Shit. It wouldn't open.

We ran back down and opened the locked door. Then, we locked it, and turned around.

What we saw was disturbing.

Apparently, Atif's old workout area was now transformed into an insane asylum room. There was blood EVERYWHERE. And writing like: Why are they here? Or: They will pay one day. With a bunch of "ha ha" written everywhere. There were 2 dead bodies. And I knew who they were.

We heard a loud noise around the door area and instantly turned off the lights and ran into the dark little corner behind stuff.

The door then busted open.

And my head began aching in a weird way.

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