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A/N: Hey guys! So most of the chapters will be following the Gravity Falls plotline, but the chapters nearing the end of the book will be completely different. This is my first fanfiction, so it may be cringeworthy in the future. Also, the entire thing will be written on my phone, so there'll be a bunch of spelling errors 😁 Hope you guys enjoy!

Y/N's Pov:

I've been living in Gravity Falls for as long as I can remember. And, for as long as I can remember, me and my father have seen the many anomalies that this town carried.

Gnomes, vampires, zombies, faeries... The list could go on forever.

The two of us would always sneak away from the house to go on mystery hunts. I miss those days.

I was only nine years old when it had happened.

My dad came home from work early, excited to tell me the great news that he had heard rumors of a beast that lived deep in the forest.

"Y/N! Y/N! Pack up the gear!"

"Are we going on another mystery hunt?"

"You betcha, kiddo," He smiled as he ruffled my hair.

The creature lived in a small cave, deep in the forest. We were lucky to find the place. My dad gave me a nod, signaling me to ready the camera as we stepped into the cave.

The beast was asleep on the cave floor, and it was beautiful. It had the head of an eagle and the body of a lion with magnificent, brown wings.

"I didn't know Gravity Falls had griffens!" I whispered and snapped a couple photos. Suddenly, the creature began to stir. At the sight of us, it let out a terrible roar. We ran faster than we've ever run. My father tripped and took a hard fall to the ground.


He tried to get up, only to fall down again. "Y/N! I must've twisted my ankle! You need to run!"

"I'm not leaving without you!"

The griffen neared him and raised its talons. I attempted to shield his body with mine, and felt a sharp pain across my left arm as the griffen struck me. I stumbled and fell, my head hit the hard ground. The world began to spin and grow dark.

"Dad..." I mumbled before passing out.


When I finally wake up, I'm no longer in the cave, but the forest. A boy about my age hovers above me.

"Hey kid," He snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Kid, you awake?" I snap out of my daze and attempt to sit up, but hit my forehead against his.

"Ouch!" I rub my head and sit cross-legged. The boy seems to be in no harm. I looked up at him. He had yellow hair that was so bright, it was almost golden. He also had big golden eyes, well... Eye. One was covered with an eye patch. He was dressed really funny considering we were in the forest. He wore a knit yellow vest with a brick-like pattern over a white button up shirt. He also wore dress pants and a small top hat upon his head. The look was completed with a black bow-tie.

"Careful, kid. You don't want to add on more injuries to yourself, do you?"

"Stop calling me a kid." I demanded. "You look just the same age as I do."

"Whatever, kid."

"Who are you anyways?"

He stuck out a hand for me to shake. "The name's Bill Cipher. And you?" I pushed his hand away.

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." I replied. I look around the area. It seemed nowhere near the cave. "Where am I?"

"I found you unconscious in the griffen's den. You were bruised and your arm was bleeding pretty badly. So, I took you out here and fixed you up."

I looked towards my arm where the griffin had cut me. Sure enough, it was bandaged and stained red. Then, I remembered.

"W-Where's my dad?" I stuttered. Bill's eye widened.

"Your dad?"

"He came into the den with me and twisted his ankle... Is he okay? Where is he?!"

"Woah, woah, woah," He put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, Y/N."

"Don't touch me!" I recoiled. "Where is my dad?!"

Bill sighed. "I'm sorry, kid. I didn't see anyone else in that cave but you."


He sighed. "Your dad's dead." He stated, bluntly.

A wave of anger and grief took over me. The world around me began to spin and I trembled as tears formed in my eyes. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my face in my hands.

What was my mom going to say?

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry, Y/N." I didn't push him away, this time.

"Just stick with me for now, and you'll be safe. Now, let's focus on getting you home."


Okay and that's all for now! Phew! So here's a key for some of the acronyms used in the story, so you guys wont get confused:

Y/N = your name
L/N = last name
N/N = nickname
F/C = favorite color
F/S = favorite song
F/B/A = favorite band/artist
S/C = skin color

And I think that's all for now! Hope you like it so far!

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