Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV:

I was on my way to the Mystery Shack, skateboarding as fast as I could. Dipper had called me over to help solving the password to the laptop. As I neared the Shack, I saw Mabel talking to this blonde kid just before he hurried away. Dipper and Mabel seemed to be in the middle of an argument once I arrived.

"You know what?! FINE!" Dipper shouted, angrily. "Me and Y/N will just find the password without you!" Before I could say anything, Dipper grabbed my hand and dragged me away. We made it up to the attic and began testing out passwords.

"Passwords.. Passwords... Mabel is useless!" Dipper muttered under his breath. Suddenly, the laptop lit up.

"Too many failed entries. Initiating data erase in five minutes." The computer spoke. Dipper panicked and my eyes widened. We're gonna lose everything?! Suddenly, Dipper looked up at me.

"Y/N, do you have your necklace?" His voice cracked.


He placed his hand out. "Give it to me."

"W-What?! Dipper you can't possibly be thinking of-"

"Y/N, please! Give me the necklace!"

"No! We can find another way!"

"There's not enough time! Just hand it over!"

"Dipper, no!! I won't give it to you!"

He scowled. "Fine, then. I'll get it myself." Before I could say anything, Dipper leaned over and snatched the thin chain that hung around my neck.

"Dipper!! Are you crazy?! GIVE THAT BACK!" I attempted to reach for it but, he held it away from me.

"Bill!" He called out. "I want to make a deal!" The room turned to grayscale and Bill Cipher appeared before us, in his triangular form.

"Well, well, well... Someone's looking desperate. Oh! And Y/N! Nice of you to join us. " He spoke.

"What do you want, Bill?" I spat.

"Yeesh, kid. No need to get so hot-headed. Or perhaps, you'd prefer my human form?" Although, he didn't exactly have a mouth as a dorito, I could practically feel his smirk.

"Enough of this," Dipper said, impatiently. "Bill, I want to make it deal."

"Go figure." Bill rolled his eyes - I mean, er, eye. "All I want is a puppet. And it seems to me that you've got plenty right here!"

"I don't know... Mabel worked really hard on those..."

"Seems to me that one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn the secrets of the universe. And besides, what has your sister ever done for you?"

"Dipper, don't listen to him! He's playing you!" I held onto his shoulder. "We can find another way!"

"Tick-tock, kid." Bill held out his hand.

"Uh... Um... Fine!" Dipper said.

"Dipper, no!" My hand flew over my mouth.

"Just one puppet." He shook hands with Bill, a blue flame engulfing it. "So... Which puppet are you going to pick anyways?"

"Let's see. Eenie, meenie, minie... YOU!" Then, it happened all too quickly. In a flash, Bill had disappeared and Dipper had fell back. Cautiously, I neared him.

"D-Dipper? Are you okay?" I said, quietly. Dipper laughed maniacally and looked up. His pupils had turned to slits and his eyes glowed a faint yellow.

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