Chapter 8

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So this chapter will take place during the episode "Gideon Rises". Once again, this chapter is a long one but I will try and make it shorter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Y/N's POV:

"If it makes you feel any better, we're always hiring at Greasy's. I'm sure that Susan would love for you to work there." Mom tried to cheer me up at dinner. She had come home early and even brought my favorite pie from work.

"It's not a job that I'm worried about..." I sigh and take a small bite from my pie. "I'm just worried about Dipper and Mabel - what if they have to leave?"

"Oh, sweetie... Like I said, I would let them stay over, we just don't have enough room in the house for three more people."

"I know, Mom..."

"And even if they do leave, you'll still have Bill right?" She gives me a re-assuring smile.

"Bill... Isn't my friend anymore..." I twiddle my thumbs. Her eyes widen at my response, followed by a sorrowed expression.

She pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry, dear."

"Don't worry about it, Mom." I shrug her away. "I'll be okay." I fake a smile before heading upstairs to my room.

Dipper's POV:

"Go red car!" Mabel cried.

"Go other red car!" Soos said. Since we've lost the Shack, we've been staying at Soos's grandma's place. Mabel and Soos were busy playing with toy cars when I heard Grunkle Stan behind me.

"Kids? We need to talk." Immediately, Mabel and I stood up. "Look, I've been thinking and... I can't take care of you anymore." Stan said. "I don't have a house, or a job... The plan is... You're going back home." He handed us each a bus ticket. Going home?! Unbelievable!

"Grunkle Stan - you can't give up!" I protested.

"Look, I lost, okay? The best thing is for you to be with your parents. Sorry kids, but... Summer's over." He walked out the door with Soos chasing after him. How could this happen? We need to do something.

"Mabel? That's it! If Stan won't get our home back, then we'll have to do it ourselves!" I said. She nodded.

"I'll call up Y/N! She can help us!" Mabel smiled. Gideon may have the upper hand, but we have the journal.


Once we had Y/N with us, we snuck over to the Mystery Shack, hiding behind a bush so we could devise a plan. I flipped through the journal in hopes of finding something that could defeat those guards.

"To get past those guards, we're gonna need an army of some sort..." Y/N wondered out loud.

"That's it! An army!" I cried. I flipped through the journal until I found the right page. "The gnomes!"

Y/N and Mabel exchanged unsure looks but agreed anyways. We set out to their hiding place. Once we had found Jeff, Mabel begged for his help in exchange for a "new queen" who happened to share a name with Gideon. Once we've made the deal, we headed back to the Shack to face Gideon.

"Give us the deed to the Shack, Gideon! Or else!" I threatened from the outside of the fence.

Gideon chuckled. "Am I supposed to say: or else what?"

"Yes you are supposed to say that!" Mabel said. "NOW!!" At her words, gnomes charged from all directions, surrounding him.

"Give us the deed, Gideon!" Y/N sneered.

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