Chapter 4

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A/N: So this chapter takes place a couple days after "The Inconveniencing" and is the day before the party in the episode "Double Dipper".

New Key:

H/L = hair length
H/C = hair color
H/T = hair texture (i.e curly, straight, etc)

Y/N's Pov:

"So, who's the guy?" Bill questioned with a smirk.

I had invited Bill over for some video games and pizza, in hopes of getting my mind off of Dipper. Unfortunately, that hasn't been working out so well.

"W-What guy?" I say as I desperately try an hold first place in Mario Kart.

"Y/N, do you really think I can't tell when my best friend is crushing?"

I roll my eyes. "Okay, so maybe I'm crushing on a guy..."

"Is it that Pinetree kid?" He wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to drop the controller.


"C'mon, Y/N. You talk about him all the time." He violently turns the controller, and ends up winning the game.

"Dammit, Cipher! You always win!" I cross my arms.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you jump at the mention of him." He smirks and takes another slice of pizza. "What's so good about him anyways?"

I sigh. "I don't know, he's just smart and funny and... Well, he's just great to be around."

"So?! I'm all those things too!" He frowns.

"Bill, what does it matter to you, anyways?" Silence falls between us. Bill looks at me and hesitantly, places a strand of my h/t, h/c hair behind my ear. I shiver at his touch.

"Look, Y/N... I just wanted to say that..." He sighs and looks back at the screen. "That I'm totally gonna beat you in this round." He picks up the controller.

I narrow my eyes. "Oh yeah, Cipher? We'll see about that!"


Tonight, Stan was holding a huge party at the shack to try and attract a younger crowd. I helped set up the party, so I would hopefully be able to get in for free.

"Alright party people, and Dipper." Stan looked at his checklist. "Soos, because you work for free and you practically begged me to, you'll be the DJ."

"I won't let you down Mr. Pines!" Soos saluted.

"Wendy, you and Mabel will be working the ticket stand." Stan continued.

"What?" Mabel pouted. "But, Grunkle Stan - this party is my chance to make more friends!"

As I was about to volunteer to take Mabel's place, Dipper spoke up. "I - I could work with Wendy?" My heart plummets towards the ground. Great. Just, great.

"Fine. And Y/N," Stan turned to me. "I don't exactly have anything for you to do, so I guess you should just monitor the crowd and make sure everyone's having a good time."

"Sure thing." I say. I realize that the party room is probably not the best place to leave my skateboard during the party, so I decide to take it to the gift shop until I can find a better place for it. I put in my earbuds and played f/s by f/b/a, foolishly dancing around the shop.

"Y/N?" Somebody snapped my out of the music. I looked up to see Dipper who stood in awe.

"H-How long were you standing there?" I stutter.

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