Chapter 5

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So, this chapter takes place during "The Time Traveler's Pig".

Y/N's Pov:

Today was the Mystery Fair or as me and Dipper would like to call it, "Stan's newfound way of ripping people off". I was spending the day hanging out with Dipper and Wendy (more like third-wheeling) as we got these corn dogs shaped at question marks. Wendy got some mustard on her shirt, so she left us alone to go clean it up. I nibbled on my corn dog.



"Do... Do you like Wendy?"

Dipper nearly dropped his corn dog. "W-Who told you that?"

"C'mon, man, it's so obvious." I giggled, but on the inside I felt horrible. Mabel came over to us with two cotton candies in her hands.

"Awe, look at you two, getting all romancy at the fair!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes. "More like me third-wheeling Dipper and Wendy..." I grumbled.

Dipper, on the other hand, ignored my comment and proceeded to talk to Mabel. "Mabel, you won't believe it! I asked Wendy if she wanted to go to the fair with me and Y/N and you know what she said? Yeah I guess so!"

"Dipper, that's great but..." Mabel looked at me sympathetically. "Why don't you go for someone our age? Like, oh I don't know... Y/N-?"

I interrupted her before she could say my name. "Hey, do you guys smell a gallon of body spray?"

"Hey, any of you dorks seen Wendy around?" Soon, we were face-to-face with none other than Robbie Valentino. Out of all of Wendy's friends, I hated Robbie the most. I would rather have Wendy date Dipper than Robbie and that says something.

"Who wants to know?" I sneered. He snatched a piece of Mabel's cotton candy.

"Hey!" She scowled.

"Yeah, I got some new super tight jeans. Thought she might wanna check 'em out." He boasted.

"Y'know, I think I saw her in the bottomless pit, maybe you should go jump in there." Dipper smirked. Me and Mabel stared wide-eyed at the brown-haired boy and his sassy remark.

Robbie narrowed his eyes. "Maybe, I will." He nudged Dipper harshly as he walked away. Soon, Wendy returned with a clean shirt.

"Hey, Wendy! Wanna go check out the carnival games?" Dipper said enthusiastically. Wendy shrugged as they walked away. 

I sighed. "Mabel, is it cool if I hang out with you for the rest of the day? You at least won't ignore me."

"Of course, Y/N! Don't you worry, I'll be here, right by your side for the- OHMYGOSH A PIG!!" She dropped her cotton candies onto the ground and ran through the crowd. By the time I caught up to her, she had an adorable, pink pig in her arms.

"He's so cute!" I gushed. "What's his name?"

"Waddles! Because he waddles!" She giggled. I laughed when I heard a voice behind me.

"Cool! Is that a pig?" I turned around to see Bill, who wore a yellow hoodie and jeans, rather then his usual fancy attire.

"Hey, Bill!" I smiled.

Mabel smiled at him. "Is this your friend? He's kinda cute." She whispered to me.

"Why, thank you." Bill reached for her hand and kissed it. Mabel squealed. 

"I'm gonna go show Dipper my pig! I'll catch up with you guys later!" She ran off. Bill and I looked at eachother.

"Shall we?"

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