Chapter 11

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Dipper's POV:

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Mabel squealed so loudly, nearly all of Greasy's Diner had hear her. A few days after me and Y/N... Well... I decided to tell Mabel. We were waiting for Y/N at Greasy's to go on another mystery hunt.

"Shh! Mabel!" I hushed her.

She grinned from ear to ear. "EEEEEK!! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I've been waiting for this to happen!!"

I opened my mouth to speak but she interrupted me. "SO! Do you like her? Are you guys going to be dating?! WHAT'S GOING TO BE THE NAME OF YOUR FIRST CHILD?!"

"Mabel! Calm down will you? For all I know, Y/N probably hates me for kissing her!"

Mabel face-palmed. "Y'know, Dipper, sometimes you can be real stupid - and that's saying something!"

I tilted my head, confused.

Mabel rolled her eyes. "She likes you, you big dork! She's been crushing on you for the longest time now!"

I could feel myself going red. "R-Really?!"

"Yes! She's probably jumping up and down at the chance to see you again! You should ask her out!!"

"Mabel, I don't know... Y/N is really sweet and just amazing but..."

"But what, doofus?! What are you waiting for - Christmas?! Before you know it, summer will be over and we'll be shipped outta Gravity Falls and who knows when you'll see Y/N again!" Mabel did have a good point.

I saw Y/N enter the diner; Mabel waved her over to us. She scooted over so Y/N could take a seat.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. I had to get my skateboard fixed. Did you guys order food yet?"

"Nah, we decided to wait for you." I nervously smiled.

"T-Thanks!" She looked down at her feet, sheepishly. Mabel smirked and whispered something in her ear, nearly causing her to jump.

"M-Mabel!!" She laughed and lightly pushed her shoulder.

Her laugh. It was just so calming to listen to. The way her h/l, h/c hair looked in the sunlight that came through the window. And how her e/c eyes shined like gems. She looked, no... She was beautiful.

"Dipper? Earth to Dipper?" Mabel's voice snapped me out of my trance.


"We were wondering if you were cool with sharing some pancakes?"


We ordered our food and ate. Once we finished we got up to leave, when Mabel looked at the clock. She then looked at Y/N, then at me and smirked.

"OH! Would you look at that! I totally forgot that I was supposed to go shopping with Candy and Grenda! Guess I'll have to leave the two of you.... Alone!"

I blushed madly. "M-Mabel!" But before she could say another word, she was out the door.

This was going to be a long day.


Y/N's POV:

Dipper and I walked through the forest, Dipper constantly checking his journal. We were looking for ancient ruins which, according to the journal, had an inscription in an old language. Apparently, it was so foreign that even the author had yet to decode it! So far, the journey there was quiet and awkward. Ever since we kissed, Dipper seemed to be... Avoiding me.

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