Chapter 7

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Hello! Head's up, this chapter is going to be long as well, but it's an important one. I won't be including every single detail of the episode into this chapter, since it will make it longer than needed. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Y/N's Pov:

I sat around the lounge chair accompanied by Mabel, Dipper, Wendy and Stan as we watched Grandpa the Kid. Suddenly, Soos burst into the room.

"Dudes! There's a bat in the kitchen!" He exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Stan said before reclining his seat. "Dipper, go deal with it."

"Aw, Grunkle Stan!" Dipper whined. "You always make me do dumb chores. I'm putting my foot down this time!" He stomped his foot as they had a rather intense stare down. Finally, Dipper gave in and solemnly walked towards the kitchen, me and Mabel following him.

"Remember, that bats are more afraid of you than you are of them!" Mabel encouraged as Dipper walked in.

I reconsidered. "I think you're thinking of ducklings, Mabel..." I stated. Turns out, I was right as Dipper's girlish screams were heard seconds after.

"Ducklings..." Mabel giggled. We managed to get Dipper away from the kitchen, (barely) alive. Mabel wrapped gauze around his forehead as Soos put ointment on his arm and I bandaged his legs.

Dipper sighed. "Why does Stan always have to pick on me? The more dangerous the chore seems, the more likely I'll have to do it! Why doesn't he pick on you guys?"

"Stan's personality is one of life's greatest mysteries." Soos said matter-of-factly. "Like whether or not it's possible to lick your own elbow."

"Bet you can't" Mabel smirked.

"Bet I can." Soos retorted as they headed out the room.

"Sometime's I feel like Stan just... Hates me." Dipper frowned.

  "Look, Dip, I'm sure that Stan still cares about you deep down." I said with a smile. He returned a fake smile before I headed back to the living room.


I decided to help Dipper sweep and clean the living room as Stan fell asleep on the lounge chair. He mumbled in his sleep.

"Ugh, what goes on in that guys head?" Dipper wondered aloud. Suddenly, Mabel and Soos ran into the room.

"Guys! We gotta help Stan!" Mabel cried.

"Why? What happened?!" I asked.

"This evil triangle guy said he was gonna break into Stan's mind and steal the combination to his safe!" Soos explained.

"Triangle guy?" Dipper flipped through his journal. "I think I've seen something like this before... Aha!" I leaned over his shoulder to look at the journal. My eyes widened at the page. "Beware Bill Cipher, the most powerful and dangerous creature I have ever encountered..." Dipper read. Bill Cipher?! But that... That - It can't be! I shook away my thoughts, hoping the name was just a coincidence. "Whatever you do, don't let him into your mind."

At those words, Stan began to stir. A shadow of a triangle hovered above him and entered his mind. Mabel snatched to journal. "It is possible to follow the demon and prevent it's chaos. One must simply recite this incantation." We gathered the things needed for the incantation and prepared ourselves. Following the journal's instructions, we each placed a hand on Stan's head as Dipper read the incantation. We were flashed with a blinding white light and the next thing I knew... We were in Stanford Pine's mind.

"Remember, guys. We need to look for the triangle guy." Mabel stated.

"Yeah! Look for the triangle guy!" A voice said. We turned around to find ourselves in front of a glowing, yellow triangle who looked about yay-high. It had arms and legs and a single eye, along with a brick pattern across it's body, complete with a cane and a top hat. I shuddered. It's voice sounded exactly like Bill's did.

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