Chapter 3

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Y/N's Pov:

I spent the last two weeks going on adventures with Dipper and Mabel. We've seen a robot lake monster, wax figures that turned out to be alive and even dealt with the famous child psychic, Gideon, who just turned out to be a psychopath obsessed with Mabel. I've managed to become really good friends with the Pines twins, especially Dipper. We were both really into decoding the mysteries of Gravity Falls. 

I slouched over the counter of the gift shop, watching Mabel as she sat on a globe, spinning around. Dipper was flipping through the journal as usual, Wendy leaned on the counter reading a magazine and Soos was cleaning some stuff up in the shop. 

"Mabel, do you believe in ghosts?" Dipper bit the end of his pencil.

"I believe you're a big dork." She laughed. I giggled and pressed my finger of the globe, stopping it which caused her to fall off. I heard the door open as Stan entered the shop.

"Soos, Wendy, Y/N!" He called. 

Immediately, Soos ran over to him. "What's up Mr. Pines?"

"I'm heading out. You three are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?"

"Yes sir!" Soos saluted.

"Absolutely not," Wendy replied.

"Ditto." I said. Stan laughed nervously.

"You stay out of trouble." He looked towards me and Wendy before leaving. Me and Wendy looked at each other and smirked. We walked over to a curtain which hid something.

"Hey guys?" Wendy called Dipper and Mabel over. "What's this?"

"A secret ladder to the roof?" I said as Wendy pulled the curtain to reveal the ladder.

"Whoa!" Mabel gasped.

"Can we actually go up there?" Dipper questioned.

"Of course, we can!" I chirped.

"Rooftime! Rooftime!" Wendy began to chant as the twins followed us up the ladder. We climbed up the roof to our usual spot, set up with a cooler, a lawn chair and and umbrella.

"Wow! Did you guys put all this stuff here?" Dipper said in amazement.

I smirked. "We may or may not sneak up here from work, all the time, every day..." Wendy snatched a pinecone from the bucket and threw it at the target we put up on the totem pole. Dipper, Mabel and I followed, until Dipper accidentally hit a car.

"Nice shot!" Wendy exclaimed. "High five!" 

My smile faded as I watched Dipper. The look that he had in his eyes, made my heart sink. Snap out of it, Y/N! He's just a friend... Suddenly, I heard some familiar rock music as a blue van pulled up in the parking lot.

"Hey look! It's my friends!" Wendy smirked.

"Wendyyy!!" A voice called from the van.

"So I'll see you later, then!" She gave me a fist bump before jumping off the roof, sliding town the trees. I always hoped she'd teach me how to do that.

"Later, Wendy!!" Dipper called after her as the van sped off.

"Uh oh," Mabel grinned. "Somebody's in lo-ove!" She playfully poked Dipper. Again, I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach. 

"Aha! Yeah, right! I just think that she's cool and all..." Dipper nervously laughed.

"Whatever, Dipstick." I say nonchalantly. "Let's head back. Stan could be here any minute now."

 Once we head back to the gift shop, I find myself looking at Dipper a bit more than I usually would. There was just something about the way he looked in this afternoon light that made him seem... Different. Despite the fact that he struggled with picking up a box of merch, his brown, bed-head like hair shone in the sun. His big, brown eyes met mine for a moment. I blush then quickly look away, pretending to be very interested in the new line of puma and panther t-shirts.

"Y/N?" Mabel said. 


"Mind helping me with something in the living room?"

I looked at Dipper one more time. "Sure." I sigh before following her. "So, what do you need?"

She grins from ear to ear. "It looks like Dipper's not the only one in love."

I can feel myself blush, but try an act confused. "W-What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. I saw you totally checking out my brother out there!" 

"I - I was just, er..." I was hoping Mabel wouldn't suspect anything. This could ruin our friendship.


"Wait... You're not mad that I possibly like your brother?"

"Why would I be mad?! You guys are practically soulmates! I mean, you both love mysteries, you both read all the same books and you guys both sneeze like a kitten!"

"Well - Hey! I do not sneeze like a kitten!" I protested. 

"Hey!" Dipper called from the gift shop. "Are you guys done in there? I need some help re-stocking."

Mabel smirked. "Now's your chance! Go!" She shoved me out the doors with her Hulk-like force, causing me to wound up face-first on the gift shop floor.

"Whoa!" Dipper jumped back in surprise after I landed at his feet. I cursed under my breath at Mabel, my face going red in embarrassment. "Need a hand?" I look up at Dipper who offers his hand. I smiled and take it as he pulls me up.

"Thanks," I smile. "So, what was that thing you needed help with?"

"Oh, yeah! I was just wondering where these snow globes go?"

"Top shelf, above the bobble heads." I reply with ease. He thanks me and grabs a stool. As he puts the last snow globe in place, he loses his balance and falls... On top of me. I can feel my cheeks heat up. Dipper mutters apologies over and over again as he slowly gets up.

"I- I gotta go home." I look at the clock.

"Already? Wow, time sure flies." He scratched the back of his neck. I laugh nervously, and fiddle with the bandana around my arm.

"Yeah... Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Mabel I said bye!" I say before picking up my skateboard and  heading home. 


Looks like somebody has a crush, hueheheh... So, I will try to update as much as possible, but that may be tricky since school is literally just around the corner. I'm also going to be starting high school so I may not have many chances to update but hopefully, I'll be able to make time.



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