Chapter 2

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Dipper's Pov:

I grabbed Y/N's hand and ran off to find Grunkle Stan.

"Grunkle Stan?! Grunkle Stan!" I called.

"Mr. Pines?!" Y/N shouted. We found Grunkle Stan to be in the middle of a tour. After 5 minutes of trying to get his attention we heard the sounds of the golf cart. I looked at Y/N as we ran over to it.

"Wendy! Wendy!" She yelped.

"Weneedtousethegolfcarttosavemysisterfromazombie!!" I hope I didn't say that too fast. Wendy looked me up and down before smiling and handing me the keys.

"Try not to hit any pedestrians!" She chirped. Y/N clambered into the drivers seat and I took the one next to it. Before we were able to leave, we were stopped by Soos.

"This is for the zombie." He handed me a shovel.

"Thanks, man."

"And this is in case you see a piñata." He handed me a baseball bat.

"Erm... Thanks?" Y/N slammed the gas pedal as we backed out from the Shack. 

"Better safe than sorry!" Soos called after us.

Mabel's Pov:

Norman and I journeyed out deep into the woods.  

"Finally, we're alone." I fumbled with my sparkly sweater.

"Mabel..." Norman said in that dreamy voice of his. "We've been together for a bit and I was thinking... There's something I should tell you." 

"Norman, you can tell me anything!" I smiled. Please be a vampire, please be a vampire. 

He fumbled with the zipper of his hoodie. "Okay, just be cool. Don't freak out or anything, uh - keep an open mind." 

Vampire, vampire, vampire! He unzipped his sweater to reveal... Five little men?! Wait, what?! The little man who sat at the very top of the lot spoke first. 

"Uh, is this weird? Is this too weird? Do you, like, need to sit down?" I stood there with my mouth wide open.

"Okay! So, we're gnomes! I'm Jeff and here we have Carson, Steve, Jason and..." He pointed to the gnomes beneath him as he spoke. "I'm sorry, I always forget your name?"

"Shmebulock." The gnome at the bottom spoke.

"Ah! Shmebulock!"

I sat down on a rock, burying my face in my hands. How could I be so stupid?! Norman was just a bunch of gnomes?! That's nowhere close to a vampire!

"Anyways," Jeff continued. "We've been looking for a new queen! So what do you say?" He tapped his foot as the gnome-person-thing bent down on one knee and held a blue box with a ring.

I sucked in a breath. "Look, I'm sorry guys. This is really sweet but... I'm a girl and you're gnomes... It's all just... What?!" I nervously laughed. Jeff bowed his head sadly.

"We understand... We'll never forget you, Mabel."

Thank goodness! I thought.

"Because, we're going to kidnap you."


Suddenly, Jeff tackled me. "Aah!"

Y/N's Pov:

"Hang in there, Mabel! We're coming!" I shouted as I drove. 

"We'll save you from that zombie!" Dipper yelled. I followed the dirt path into a small forest-like cave. We neared them to see Mabel fighting off little men in pointy hats. Oh no, not the gnomes! We hopped out of the golf cart Dipper held the shovel and I grabbed the baseball bat.

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