Chapter 10

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New Key:

s/f/c - second favorite color


Y/N's POV:

Once I gathered my things, I skateboarded back to the Shack. I hesitantly knock the door to be answered by Mabel.

"Y/N!" She smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me inside. She leads me to the attic and I lay out my sleeping bag between the twins' bed. "I made you something!" She says cheerfully and holds out a f/c sweater with my name written across it in s/f/c.

"Mabel! You didn't have to do this! Thanks so much!" I gush and pull the sweater on over my shirt. It's oversized, going a bit past my bottom - which I love. The material also feels incredibly soft.

"Alright, so what shall we do first?" She asks.

I shrug. "In all honesty, I'm down for anything." Instantly I regretted saying that once I've seen her devious smirk.

"Oh, DI-PPER!!" She says in a loud, sing-song voice and grabs the make-up bag.


"How do girls get this stuff off?!" Dipper furiously rubs his face, smudging his mascara. Naturally, Mabel and I had managed to successfully beautify his face. With the amount of make-up he had on, he might as well be Pacifica Northwest.

"You're just smudging it even more!" I giggle, grabbing the make-up removal wipes and handing them to him.

"OKAY PARTY PEOPLE!" Mabel announced. "It's time for... TRUTH OR DARE!" Me and Dipper groaned at the same time.

"Oh, come on, guys! It'll be fun!" Mabel pouted.

"Fine..." Dipper sighed.

"EEP! Okay, Dipper. Truth or dare?"

"Dare, I guess."

Mabel grins evilly. Oh no. "I dare you..." She looks over at me. Mabel, no. "To kiss..." No, no, no, no... "Waddle's butt!!"

Dipper rolls his eyes. "Real mature, Mabel."

Mabel picks up Waddles and shoves it at Dipper. "KISS IT! KISS IT!" She chants.

Dipper's eyes suddenly widen. "Hang on - you were serious?!"

"Well, duh... NOW KISS THE PIG!!"

We were in for a long night.


Dipper's POV:

I woke up to a shuffling sound. I check the time, 2:34 a.m. I look towards Mabel who's sound asleep. I then peek on the floor beside me to see Y/N's empty sleeping bag. Through my tired eyes, I can see her quietly exit the room. Curiously, I follow her. She makes it to the gift shop and climbs up the ladder to the roof, oblivious to the fact that I'm close behind. When I catch up to her, she's sitting on the rooftop, staring at the stars.

"Couldn't sleep?" I say. She nearly jumps when she sees me.

"D-Dipper! You scared me!" She questions.

"Aha, sorry... Mind if I sit?" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Go ahead," Y/N responds. We sit together, watching the stars. "Found you." She says suddenly.


"Up there." She points to a familiar constellation. "The Big Dipper."

I chuckle. "Do you know why people call me that?" She shakes her head. Cautiously, I lift up the hair covering my forehead, revealing my birthmark. She stares at me, wide-eyed.

"I know, it's really weird-" I start, but she interrupts me.

"No, it's... Amazing."

"You... You think so?"

She nods. "It's better than this." She turns, showing her left arm. Across it, is a scar. That's must be why she wears a bandana over it!

"Woah... What happened?" I ask. Her expression slowly turns sad.

"Remember when I said that I used to go on mystery hunts with my dad? Well, there's a reason I stopped." She brings her knees to her chest. "Three years ago, my dad and I ventured off into a griffin's den. The griffin left me with this scar. My dad, however... He..." She bites her lip. I think I know what had happened.

I wrap my arms around her. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

"It's okay, Dip. It wasn't your fault." She buries her head in my shoulder. I wanted to stay like this, my arms around her, protecting her. She was warm and had a slight aroma of strawberries.

We pull away, and look up at the night sky once again, to see a small flash of a bright light. A shooting star. Y/N closes her eyes, as if to make a wish.

"What did you wish for?" I say once she opens her eyes.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Otherwise, it won't come true."

We sit together, the breeze and cricket's chirping break the silence. I look at Y/N. The moonlight illuminates her hair and s/c skin, making her e/c eyes shine like gems. Suddenly, an unfamiliar feeling comes over me. I feel... Warm. I feel like I want to stay with Y/N, in this moment forever.

Slowly, now.

I find myself leaning towards her. I should stop myself, yet I don't. Soon, our lips are inches apart. Her e/c eyes look into mine and I can see so many things. Curiosity, strength, passion... Yearning. Carefully, I place a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

And I softly press my lips against hers.

After only a few short seconds, she pulls away. "Dip-" I cut her off with another kiss. I don't want to stop, nor pull apart. The kiss isn't rough, but gentle and passionate and lasts for just a bit longer. We slowly part lips, my face now red.

"I- I'm sorry." I mutter. She probably hates me now. Why did I just do that? What was I thinking?!

"It's okay." She gives me a slight smile. "I... I actually kind of liked it." She says sheepishly. I cross my legs, and look down at my hands, a goofy smile spreads across my face. Silence falls between us once again.

"Dipper?" She finally says. "I... I should tell you something. Three years ago, a griffin wasn't the only thing I encountered."

"What do you mean?"

"I met Bill Cipher. He was in his human form and had healed most of my wounds from the griffin. Since then, he had me believe he was my best friend. That is, until he almost killed you and Mabel, I found out who he really was."

Y/N knew Bill?!

"Once I confronted him, he gave me this necklace," She points to the triangle pendant around her neck. "And told me that with it, I would be able to summon him at any time. Ever since then, I haven't seen him."

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.

"P-Please don't be mad, Dipper. I didn't know he was a demon at the time and he tricked me."

"Y/N, I'm not mad." I smile.

"Y-You're not?" Her eyes shine. I shake my head.

"Just... Promise me this."


"Promise me you'll never summon Bill with or without that necklace. If he ever did anything to hurt you... I... I don't know what I'd do."

She looks at the ground, thinking. "I promise."


SOOOOOooooo DIPPING SAUCE FINALLY KISSED YOU! WHOOP!! Also, I'll be uploading a new Hiro x Reader oneshot book soon, so keep an eye out for that.

And remember,


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