Chapter 6

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Hello my dear readers! Thank you so much for over 200 reads already like ohmigoshness!!! Okay, so this chapter takes place during Summerween.

New key:

f/h/c: favorite Halloween costume

Also, I just started High School, so it might take longer for me to update, but I will update whenever I get the chance. Hope you enjoy this chapter, because it's a pretty long one!


Y/N's Pov:

I've never seen Mabel and Dipper so excited about one holiday. I was dressed in my f/h/c and hung out with them, watching them fantasize over the amount of candy they were gonna get.

"Wow, I've never seen you guys so pumped!" I smiled.

"Well, back at home, me and Dipper were practically the kings of trick-or-treating. Twins in costumes! The people eat it up." Mabel replied happily.

"You dudes better be careful out there," Soos stated. "It's a night of ghouls and goblins and... The Summerween Trickster!"

"The Summerween Trickster?" Dipper repeated.

"The Trickster goes door to door, so the legend goes, eating children who lack the Summerween spirit!"

"You don't have to worry about us. We have plenty of spirit to go around!" Dipper says and popped a piece of candy into his mouth. Suddenly, he coughed violently and spat it out. "Urgh! What is this stuff? Sand-pop? Gummy chairs? Mr. Adequate Bar?!"

"This is all cheap old loser candy!" Mabel whined. Dipper took the bowl and headed to the kitchen to dispose of the candy.


Once Mabel had changed into her costume and Candy and Grenda had arrived, we waited by the door for Dipper.

"You guys just wait until you see his costume! It's amazing!" Mabel squealed. "Here he comes now!" Dipper walked down the stairs dressed as... Himself?

"That is a very good Dipper costume." Candy noted.

"Hey, man? Where's your costume?" I asked.

"Look, I can't go trick-or-treating, I'm... Really sick!" He pretended to cough. I raised an eyebrow.

"Fight through it bro-bro!" Mabel said. "Where's your Summerween spirit?" As she said those words, there was a loud knocking at the door. Dipper opened the door.

"Dude, really?" I heard him say. "You're a little old for this, man." He slammed the door.

"Why'd you close the door?" Mabel frowned.

"I told you, Mabel. I'm just not feeling it tonight!"

"I think a little trick-or-treating might make you feel better." I suggested.

"I'm not trick-or-treating!" Dipper scowled as once again, there was a knocking at the door. Angrily, Dipper opened it. "Look man, just go to another house!" He said before slamming it again.

"Dipper?! What the heck?" I was pretty angry that Dipper's sorry excuse for not going trick-or-treating was that he was sick. Just moments ago, he was alive and well! There was knocking on the door again, only much louder.

"I'm not getting that." Dipper folded his arms.

"Well, I will." Mabel opened the door. "I apologize for my brother... He came down with a case of the grumpy-grumps."

"Silence!" The voice boomed. "You have insulted me! And for this, you must pay with your lives."

Mabel didn't speak for a little bit. "Ooh! What a cute little mask! You're a funny guy."

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