Chapter 1

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Three years later...

Y/N's Pov:

Ever since my dad passed, I've tried to do everything to cover up the scar on my arm. Most of the time's I'd wear sweaters or something with sleeves to cover it up. However, summers in Gravity Falls were hot, so I would often cover it up with gauze or bandages. Meanwhile, times were tough back at home. My mom had a low-paying job working as a chef at Greasy's Diner. 

I, on the other hand, managed to find a job at a tourist trap known as the Mystery Shack. It was the closest I could get to going on mystery hunts with my dad, even if all of the attractions were scams. My boss, Stan Pines, had his great-nephew and niece visiting over the summer. He had given them both jobs at the shack which gave me the opportunity to finally make some friends. Sure, I had my co-workers Wendy and Soos, but I just wanted some friends my age.

I sighed as I swept the floor, watching one of the twins, Mabel. She hid behind a shelf, looking at a boy who held a piece of paper.

"He's looking at it... He's looking at it!" She murmured to herself.

The boy opened up the sheet of paper. "Do you like me?" He read. "Yes... Definitely... Absolutely?!"

Mabel chuckled. "I rigged it!"

"Mabel," said a voice from behind. "I know you're going through your whole 'boy-crazy' phase, but I think you're overdoing it with the crazy part."

"What?!" Mabel whined. "Come on, Dipper! This is our first trip away from home! It's my chance to have an epic summer romance!"

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet?"

"Dipper, this is your chance to find love this summer too!" Mabel squealed. "Like um... Her!"

Suddenly, she runs towards me and tackles me to the ground. "Mabel what the heck?!" Her brother calls after her.

"Y/N! I have something very important to ask you!" She pins me down to the floor with a tremendous amount of force. "Would you date him?"

"Wha- Who?"

"Dipper, of course! Would you date him?" I look behind her at Dipper who gives me a sympathetic look. I admit, he was pretty cute, but I've only known him for a few days.

"I - uh, well, um..."

Mabel sighs and finally releases me. "Nevermind." As I begin to stand up, Stan walks into the gift shop, carrying a bunch of wooden signs under his arm.

"Alright, I need someone to hang up these signs in the spooky part of the forest." He grumbles.

"Not it!" Mabel and Dipper exclaim. 

Stan sighs. "Wendy! Can you put up these signs for me?"

"I would, but it's... Too far..." She has her feet up on the counter, reading a magazine.

"Y/N! Put these signs up."

I quickly snatch the broom beside me. "Sorry, Mr. Pines! I'm a bit busy, er... Sweeping!"

He rolls his eyes. "I'd fire all of you if I could." Then, he turns towards the twins. "Okay, let's make it, eenie, meenie, minie... You." He says, pointing at Dipper.

"Aw, c'mon Grunkle Stan! Whenever I'm in the woods I feel like I'm being watched..." Dipper rubs his arm nervously.

"Quit being so paranoid and just do it." Stan replies and tossed him the signs. Dipper frowns before heading out. Before he leaves, he glances back at me as I return his sympathetic look.

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