Chapter 9

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Hello! This chapter will take place during the episode Into the Bunker. I'll leave out the majority of the episode so it'll be a little shorter. Be prepared. It's a feelful one ;)


Y/N's POV:

Dipper and Mabel had called me up for another mystery hunt. I was still slightly shaken from last night's zombies, but I decided to come along. Unfortunately, I was running a bit late, and was rushing on my skateboard to the meeting site. When I'd arrived, I saw Dipper fawning over Wendy, once again which caught me off guard, causing me to fall off my skateboard. Don't get me wrong, I loved Wendy - heck, we were practically sisters. It's just... Today was the day I planned on telling Dipper my feelings for him. With Wendy here, he might not even know I exist.

"Y/N!" Mabel exclaimed once she saw me. "You okay?"

I sighed. "So much for a graceful entrance..." I casually pick myself up, brushing dirt off of my worn-out jeans. I turn towards Dipper and lightly punch his arm.

"Invited Wendy?" I tease. "Something tells me there's romance afoot!" Cringe. Why did I say that? It was like punching myself in the stomach!

He rolls his eyes. "No! Look, Y/N I'm over her. I know what matters to me now and it's finding the author of the journals."

"Over Wendy?!" Mabel interrupts. "Pfft! Yeah right!"

"Whatever, guys." Dipper says before walking towards the tree. 


"This is all my fault." I heard him say. I was running to catch up with Dipper who went off looking for Wendy. I saw Wendy leaning against a cave wall to catch her breath. I ran up beside her.  Then, I saw Dipper kneeling over Wendy's body. Wait, what?! Wendy's right here! 

"I never even got a chance to tell you - I'm like, in love with you Wendy..." He spoke in a hoarse voice. My heart snapped. I looked over to Wendy who looked dead-awkward.

"Uh... Dipper?" She spoke.

"Wendy?! But who-" At his words, Wendy stood up from the ground and ran over to tackle, well... Wendy. The two fought for the journal. I picked up the axe and readied myself, only, they looked exactly the same.

"Hit her with the axe!" One said.

"No! Hit her! She's the shapeshifter!" The other spoke.

"I... I don't know who's who! Give me a sign!"

One Wendy blinked while the other made a locking motion to her mouth. I stood there, clueless but Dipper seemed to know what to do. He grabbed the axe from me and hit one of the Wendy's. It made a screeching noise before turning into the shapeshifter. We all pushed it into the glass tube behind it and it froze. Once Mabel and Soos had caught up to us, we left the bunker. I couldn't pay attention to anything anymore, so I picked up my skateboard, and left without a single word.


I layed on the rooftop of the Shack, staring at the sky. Dipper's words rang in my head. All I wanted was to talk to someone. I remember how I dealt with my first crush. It was back in the first grade and I spent four hours on a stupid valentine for Timothy Rocket who, in my defense, was literally the young Leonardo diCaprio of the class. I remember how I cried when he had rejected me. I chuckle at the memory, then recall that the only person who comforted was... Bill.

"Y/N!" A voice snaps me out of my daze. "There you are! Dipper and Mabel have been looking for you everywhere."

"Hey, Wendy." I sigh. She takes a seat next to me.

"You look down, Y/N. Is something wrong?"

I turn to my side, curling up into a fetal position. 

"Oh wait. This is about Dipper, isn't it?"

Immediately, I sit up. "H-How did you-?"

"Oh c'mon, Y/N. No offense, but everyone practically knows about it." She teases.

"Except for Dipper himself..." I find myself playing with the bandana around my arm, a habit I've gotten into.

"Awe, Y/N."

I bring my knees to my chest. "What would you do Wendy?"

She goes silent, thinking to herself. "I would tell him."

"But what if he-"

"If he doesn't feel the same way about you, then he's not worth it. Look, Y/N, you are more important than any guy out there. If he can't see that you're amazing, then he must be blind." She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Thanks, Wendy." I reply and begin to head back.

I think I know what I should do now.


Dipper's POV:

"You still sad, bro-bro?" Mabel asked. She was trying to cheer me up after Wendy had rejected me. In all honesty, I felt a mix of emotions. I was happy that Soos had found the author's laptop, yet I was still pretty upset after being strictly friendzoned.

"I... I don't even know how I feel, Mabel." I sigh.

"Awe, don't worry man. Y'know, maybe you just need to keep an eye out for other girls." She winked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Like who, Mabel?"

"Dipper?" I turn around to see Y/N, standing in front of the ladder to the roof. I suppose she was up there after all.

"Y/N!" I exclaimed and ran up to her; Mabel followed.

"Y/N!! I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING!!" Mabel suddenly squealed. 


"I asked Grunkle Stan if you could sleepover tonight and he said yes!"

"A sleepover?" Y/N questioned. "I don't know..."

"Oh, please?!" Mabel begged. "There'll be candy!"

Y/N thought to herself before shrugging. "Oh, alright. Lemme just go home to grab my things." She smiled. "Where's my skateboard?" She wondered.

"I'll get it for you." I offered and headed behind the counter of the gift shop to grab it. As I handed it to her, her hand softly brushed against mine. Her eyes widened for a second, and she quickly looked away.

"T-Thanks..." She mumbles. "I'll see you guys later then?"

"See you!!" Mabel waves to her as she leaves. I look at my hand, which hers had brushed on. 

Other girls, huh?


I'm super excited for the next chapter. Be prepared - there will be a bunch of squealing and fangirly moments up ahead. Huehehhe...



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