Chapter 19

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Dipper's POV:

Three days. It's been three days since the madness spread throughout town. Three days since Bill took Ford and destroyed the journals. I haven't seen Mabel or (Y/N) or Stan and I had no idea if they were even okay. Three days... Alone.

I stealthily hid from an eye-bat, ducking behind a fence and catching my breath. I looked at my surroundings and peered from behind a wall. I then spotted the remains of the Gravity Falls Mall.

"The mall! They've got to be in there." I spoke to myself. A creature, a head with an arm, passed by the street and I rushed towards the mall entrance, only to crash into the doors. Oh no, no, no! It can't be locked!

"Hey you!" A voice called out, startling me. It was the creature! "I wanna talk to you about getting inside my mouth. I think you'd really like to get in my mouth." Panicking, I pulled on the doors with all my might as the creature drew near, talking to me. Finally, I managed to pry open the doors an hurried inside to safety. I cautiously looked around. The mall was almost unrecognisable. The ceiling had been broken as if multiple figures have smashed through it, pillars have fallen and broken shops... It looked haunted.

"Mabel? (Y/N)?!" I called out. No response. I looked over to a table that held nachos. At least I could get something to eat... I reached for the nachos and a net suddenly hoisted me up, capturing me. "Ah! Help!!"

"Dipper?" A voice said as a familiar red-haired girl popped up from the nearby shrub.

"Wendy?!" I replied in shock. Wendy smiled, pulling out her axe and threw it to release me from the net. I immediately ran up to her and hugged her. "Wendy! I'm so glad I found you!" Finally, someone I cared about appeared. Maybe she knew where Mabel and (Y/N) were too! I was so relieved.

(a/n: for those of you who currently hate Wendy's guts, just know that Dipper is relieved to find her as he's been completely alone for three days. Wendy is now no more than an older sisterly figure to him)

"Hey, it's okay!" She smiled at me. "We have eachother now! And Toby Determined, who I mistook for a monster... We shouldn't stay out for long. Let me show you my hideout."

I followed her to her base - the remains of a punk looking store called "Edgy on Purpose". There, she kept food and had a fire going. I snagged a chocolate bar as she told her story. Once she asked about me, I told her about Mabel, feeling awfully guilty as I spoke every word.

"C'mon, let's get some fresh air." Wendy smiled and turned back at Toby. "Toby, you watch the camp." She commanded.

Toby emerged from the dressing rooms, in fishnet stockings, a hot pink shirt, and a blue mohawk. "Don't call me Toby anymore, call me Bodacious T!"

Wendy rolled her eyes. "No one will ever call you that!" She then, allowed me to follow her up the the mall's rooftop.

I sighed as we sat together. "Y'know, I used to think I could get out of anything... But this? The journals are destroyed, Ford is captured and I can't find my family or Y/N anywhere! Bill said it himself: there's no room for heroes out here. We lost."

"Look dude," Wendy put her hands on her hips. "It's not over yet. You've beaten Bill twice before, why is this time any different?"

"'Cause then I had Y/N and Mabel."

"Then you need to get them back. Look, this summer I've seen some amazing things, but nothing as amazing as you three. I don't know if it's dumb luck or whatever, but, when you three work together, there's nothing you can't accomplish."

"But how will I ever find them?" We then looked off to the distance, to see a large, pink bubble wrapped in chains. I looked to see a mark embedded in the centre of the bubble.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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