Snivellus Snape

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The strange boy that had burst into her compartment on the Hogwarts Express was shoving his noisy owl up on the luggage rack overhead. Lily watched as he fought with the cage to fit in the small space. "Quiet Bubo," the boy told the bird, and tugged a pair of robes out of his bookbag, covering the cage with them quickly. He looked down and caught Lily's eyes. "Sorry," he said, and he set himself down onto the bench across from her. "He's not used to being shut up in his cage like this."

"It's alright," Lily replied, wiping her eyes. "He's a bird." She shrugged. She turned to look out the window again. She could see her family. Her mum and dad were still waving goodbye to her cheerfully, but Petunia had set her arms crossed over her chest, a scowl on her face. Lily pressed her palm to the glass again. Petunia's words were still burning her emotions like hot coals. She swallowed back the disappointment. She wished Severus, wherever he was, would hurry up onto the train and come find her. More than anything else, she craved his company. She felt as though she were heartbroken, and needed to be reminded of her excitement.

"I'm James, by the way," said the boy. "James Potter."

"Lily Evans," she answered without looking at him.

He was quiet a moment, then, "Are you okay?" he asked.

She looked over at him.

"Just - because you're crying," he pointed out. He had a kind, worried look in his eyes as he watched her.

Lily was about to reply when the door opened again and another boy walked in. "Can I sit in here?" the new boy asked.

"Sure," James replied without seeking Lily's opinion. The boy settled himself onto the seat beside Lily. "I'm James," he said.

"I'm Sirius," replied the new boy.

"About what?" James asked.

"No - not serious," the answered, "Sirius. It's my name. Sirius Black."

"Oh," James nodded, "Got it." He opened his bookbag and pulled out a magazine and a couple licorice wands. He held out the licorice wands to Sirius and Lily. Lily shook her head, but Sirius grabbed hold of one of the wands and bit off the tip eagerly. "D'ya like Quidditch?" James asked.

"Love it," Sirius replied.

The boys started talking about sports and Lily returned to her own worries, staring out the window. Suddenly the train wheezed and a fresh plume of grey-white steam clouded Platform 9¾, obscuring the family left behind, waving goodbye to the students. The engine lurched and suddenly Kings Cross station was rolling away. Lily stood up, pressing her nose flat to the glass, watching as the train slowly pulled out from the platform. Her heart thumped against her ribs and she gasped, watching until her family was lost in the steam. She felt a lump rise in her throat as she fell back onto the bench seat and covered her eyes, crying.

"Is she alright?" Sirius whispered.

"Dunno," James replied quietly, "I asked her but she didn't say what the matter was."

Lily looked up to answer them, but her eyes landed on a figure beyond the window, passing by the compartment. "Severus!" she called, her heart already lightening by just seeing him.

The door opened and Severus Snape stepped into the room. "There you are!" he said, "I've been looking everywhere --"

Sirius made a face as Severus stepped around him and tossed his bag to the floor, settling onto the bench next to James, facing Lily. Above him, Bubo shrieked as the train shuddered over a crossing and the luggage all shifted. Severus looked up, then turned back to Lily, suddenly noticing for the first time that she was crying. "Are you alright?" He inched closer to the edge of his seat and wiped a thumb over her eyes gently.

The Marauders: Year One | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now