Sirius's Rebellion

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Sirius's Rebellion

"So Evans has been writing me," said Sirius. It was night, several weeks into the summer break, and both of he and James were on their beds with their wands illuminated under their blankets, talking through their bewitched mirrors.

James, who had been starting to nod off just a moment before, snapped-to, giving Sirius a wide-eyed look of surprise, "Excuse me? Evans? Lily Evans? Whatever for?"

Sirius shrugged, smirking. He'd known that would get a rise out of James, which was why he'd brought it up. Whatever James said to the contrary, it was quite clear that he fancied Lily Evans. "Because I wrote to her first, I s'pose," Sirius said.

"What'd you write to her for?" James asked quickly, jealousy edging into the corners of his voice.

Sirius shrugged again, "I wrote just about everybody - 'cept Snivellus, of course. I've been bored, James!"

James nodded, trying to be cool about it. "So what'd you say to her? What'd she say back? How's her summer been?"

Sirius grinned, "She said it's awful. Snivelly's been ignoring her, it seems."

"Ignoring her?"


"How the bloody hell do you ignore Lily Evans? Is that even possible?" James asked, incredulous.

"She says he's been busy," Sirius said.

James glowered, "Yeah, busy getting on with Malfoy and that lot. Probably learning loads of dark magic."

"Most likely," agreed Sirius. "She said I could use her broom for try-outs for Quidditch, though."

James raised his eyebrow, "Well that's rather nice of her."

Sirius nodded, "Sure is. I may have a real chance at getting on the team if I don't have to fly on one of those crummy old school brooms all year!" He sounded quite excited at the prospect.

"That'll be good," said James. "Is Lily not trying out, then?"

"Dunno. Does she play Quidditch?" Sirius said, "I didn't think she did."

"Most muggleborns haven't before they come to Hogwarts, but I mean she's got a broom."

"Dunno," said Sirius again. "Maybe I could figure a way to get some gold from Mother for my own broom." He seriously doubted that Walburga would ever consider giving him any galleons - she could barely give him her attention for five minutes, unless it was to call him a disappointment.

"Maybe," said James, but he sounded as doubtful as Sirius felt.

They had talked quite at length about Sirius's parents. Sirius had quite the row with his Mother when she'd come up to his room and found that he'd put up loads of Gryffindor banners on the walls and magicked his duvet to be maroon instead of green, as it had been. When Walburga had the fit over the Gryffindor decorations, she'd called Sirius a muggle-lover and a blood traitor. He'd told James and in a fit of rebellion, asked James to send him loads of muggle stuff by owl. The following barrage of magazines about cars and motorbikes and muggle music and catalogs had driven his Mother mad with rage and she'd cut off his access to Adolf, the family owl. They'd simply started using Bubo, and there wasn't a damn thing Walburga could do about that. Sirius, seeing her fury, had become quite obsessed with Muggle "punk rock" fashion and the motorbikes, and Lily had even sent him a record by a muggle named John Lennon. "I swear he's magic," Lily had written in the note that came along with the record, "Whether he's a wizard or not." Sirius had memorized the song called Imagine from the record and played it regularly - quite loudly - much to his mother's disapproval. The magazines, he'd ripped pages from and magicked them up on the walls of the room, practically wallpapering with photos of motorbikes. What bits of his walls weren't covered with Muggle things were covered with Gryffindor stuff or letters from his friends - the other muggle-lovers and mudbloods and blood traitors that infuriated his Mother so.

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