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The weather was getting cooler as September came to a close. So much had gone on in the first month of term that it hadn't seemed odd that the Quidditch team try outs hadn't been held yet, but James awoke early on the morning of October 1 to find the poster on the notice board announcing that Derek planned to hold try outs on the pitch on Saturday afternoon. The Gryffindor boys had originally planned to spend Saturday exploring the Trophy Room's hidden passageway, but once that poster had been discovered, the plans had most definitely changed. In fact, Remus's success of getting the other three to study with him on Friday went out the window as well when James announced he needed as much practice as he could get down on the pitch and Sirius had quickly agreed he needed to witness James's saves and help out by being all six of the other team members at once.

"You lot know you can't play Quidditch if you're failing your grades, don't you?" Remus demanded Friday night when Jame shouldered his broomstick, prepared to go down to the pitch for his practice turns.

"We won't fail," Sirius said confidently, "You wouldn't let us."

Remus sighed and watched them go, then glanced at Peter. "Are you going with them?" he asked.

Peter looked torn, then, finally, he said, "Well... it would be cool to get to play quidditch..."

"Oh go on then," Remus said and Peter quickly scrambled after Sirius and James. Remus turned back to his books and opened up the Transfiguration text, flipping to the last page he'd worked from and started reading. The room was too quiet for studying, though, he soon discovered. He'd become too used to trying to study with James and Sirius and Peter all goofing off around him and now that he finally had peace and quiet for a time, he just couldn't stay focused. He grabbed hold on all the textbooks and went down to the common room.

Most everyone had had the exact idea as James and gone outside to practice quidditch for the try outs. The room was nearly as deserted as the dorm, with one very notable exception.

"Hey Lily," Remus said, sitting down at the table where she had her books spread all around. She clutched a steaming cup of tea and her hair was in two long braids today that hung over her shoulders. "Can I study with you?"

She held up one finger and finished the paragraph she was on, her lips moving as she read. Remus thought it was rather cute how she moved them to form the words silently as her eyes skimmed over the page. Almost as cute as her little nose and the freckles across it. He smiled at her. When she looked up, he was still smiling, so she smiled back. "Hey Remus," she said.

"Can I study with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," Lily answered and she moved some of her books to make space for his books on the table opposite her.

Remus put down his books and opened Transfiguration back up. Lily took a sip of her tea and turned the page on her book - the text for History of Magic. "It was getting too quiet in the dorm," he said, "James and Sirius are always so loud and they left and I thought I'd get some good studying done with all that quiet but it was just like something was missing."

"I can't study in the quiet either, that's why I always study down here instead of in my dorm," Lily offered.

Remus found he had a new challenge, though, when he finally turned to it and started trying to read again. There was a faint scent of flowers that tickled his nose from across the table and the sound of her breathing kept him reminded that she was there and lately he had found it quite hard to concentrate on anything when Lily Evans as too nearby. He kept sneaking peeks up at her. She caught him looking one of the times and she laughed, "What?"

The Marauders: Year One | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now