Quidditch Try Outs

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Quidditch Try Outs

"So - did you have a good snog, then?" Sirius asked Remus as soon as he stepped into the dormitory a little later that night. He was laying across his bed, feet up on the headboard, grinning absurdly as he rolled over, eager for details. James buried himself even deeper into the essay for Defense that he was working on, trying not to hear any details about Remus and Lily's together-ness.

Remus shook his head, "We didn't snog."

"Well what did you do?" Sirius asked.

"Homework," Remus replied with a shrug. He dropped his books onto his desk and grabbed his pyjamas out of his trunk, "I got a good bit of it done, too."

"Can I read your Defense essay?" Peter asked, "I'm not sure I understand what Professor Blythe wants..." Remus handed over the essay without a single protest, even though he suspected Peter planned to plagiarize most of it for his own essay. Peter settled over the parchment eagerly at his desk.

Sirius studied Remus for a long moment. "You really didn't snog? You aren't just saying that because James might get all bent out of shape again?"

"I'm not bent out of shape," James said, looking 'round at Sirius, "I told you - both of you - all of you - I don't fancy Evans, I don't give a damn who she sees or does homework with or whatever."

"Okay," Sirius answered, grinning, "And I said I don't believe you." He turned to Remus, "Nor do I believe you. You and Evans were alone down there for -- how long? Had to be at least a couple hours! -- and all you did is study?" He shook his head, "Not even a quick wee snog or two?"

Remus shook his head, "No snogging of any time or length. None. We did homework."

"Bloody hell," Sirius muttered and he flopped back onto the bed. "Well aren't you lot just boring as a flobberworm."

"Flobberworms aren't entirely uninteresting creatures, they're very interesting if you consider that they're ---"

"Newt Scamander rated them X - BORING," interrupted Sirius, not wanting to hear Remus go on and on about the history of the Flobberworm, which was not interesting, regardless of whatever trivial fact Remus had been about to tell them about.

Remus flushed and hastened to pull on his pyjamas. James for one looked a lot brighter, however, having heard there wasn't any snogging involved in Remus's evening with Lily and he actually started being more of his usual self again after that.

Next morning, the entire Gryffindor table was a buzz in the Great Hall, all speculating about that afternoon's Quidditch try outs. Eyes were cast in the direction of James Potter as people whispered and hissed amongst each other, telling the first years about the amazing gumball catches James had made during flying lessons the previous year. There was a lot of excitement generating among the students as they talked and ate, preparing for the excitement to come that afternoon.

When it was finally time, James grabbed his broomstick and his Quidditch gloves that Charlus had given him as a going-back-to-school gift the month before and the four Second Years headed down to the pitch. Sirius was hoping to use one of the school brooms to try out with, and wanted to get there early enough to get one of the better brooms the school owned, at least, to increase his chances.

Peter and Remus were only going along to watch from the stands. Remus wondered whether Lily would be there and if she'd want to sit with him if she was. He was queasy with excitement at the thought of it. At the pitch, though, there was no sight of Evans in the stands, so Remus sat with Peter a couple rows up in the box, and the two of them chatted quietly while they waited for the try out to start.

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