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Two jets of light shot from two different wands. The shield charm was slightly faster than the curse, and the jet of red light bounced off a silvery white orb that had blast it's way between Lily and the Dark Lord. Several of Lord Voldemort's friends had gone pale and one had even disapparated, releasing Remus, who fell to the ground in surprise from his sudden freedom.

The Dark Lord spun about, panic in his eyes, recognizing the voice - as did the First Years.

"Good evening, Tom," said the warm voice, cheerful around the edges but hard in the center. It was Dumbledore, stepping from between the trees, his magenta robes moving silently about his feet. Behind him by only a few steps was Professor Moody, whose good eye swiveled about the circle. Another of Voldemort's friends disapparated when Moody looked at him. "I must say I am rather surprised to see you here," Dumbledore continued, "To what do we owe this visit?"

Sirius felt a rush of relief run through him. Despite the grip on his elbow, he knew they would be alright now. They had to be. Dumbledore had arrived, and by the expression on his face, it was quite evident that he meant business.

Voldemort smiled, "I suppose you owe it to these delightful little first years," he answered, waving his palm about the circle. "They summoned me, you see. Requested my presence, even. Since when do you allow students out onto the grounds in the dead of night?" He sneered, "Don't you remember how dangerous that was - how much trouble students get into in the darkness of the forest?"

"Oh yes," Dumbledore replied, "I remember quite well." He nodded, "But much like the times when you were a student here, Tom, I am afraid that these students were acting of their own volition as well." Dumbledore rocked on the balls of his feet. "You'll forgive me, of course, for not knowing they were disturbing you. You see, they never told me of their plans."

Moody had knelt beside James and cast a spell that returned some strength to him, though he was still shaky in the knees from the pain that Voldemort's spell had set upon him. He stood awkwardly beside the auror and tried to regain his breath. Moody placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

"I did see a bit of a rebellious nature in them," replied Voldemort cooly.

"Defiant little brats," hissed Bellatrix into Lily's ear.

Dumbledore smiled, "Yes, well, that is what it is. Now, Tom, if you could please release my students, and we'll return to the castle, I should most appreciate it."

Voldemort sneered, "Stop calling me that."

Dumbledore's smile didn't falter in the least. "But it is your name."

Voldemort raised his wand menacingly, and the moment he had, so had Dumbledore, and Moody, too, and Bellatrix's shrieky little laugh halted instantly, silence ringing through the forest so loudly that it felt nearly tangible. "Now Tom," said Dumbledore coldly, "I did not come here to fight you, I came to collect my students. Release them."

Voldemort seemed to consider the situation, sized up Moody and Dumbledore and his eyes flickered about the circle. Even though he clearly out numbered Dumbledore, even if you included the children, he still wasn't sure that they could easily defeat him. He knew too well of Dumbledore's powers, knew too well that he was vulnerable being so close to Hogwarts, from whence there were surely others coming to aid. As though to emphasize the point, there came the sound of shouting and footsteps in the woods beyond and with a sharp motion, Voldemort signaled for the Death Eaters to drop the children.

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