But That Would Make You A --

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But That Would Make You A --

"Where are we going?" Lily asked as Remus led her into the Trophy Room.

"Not much further," Remus replied. "Make sure the door's closed, will you?"

Lily pushed the door shut behind them. "What is with all the secrecy? This is mad. Whatever it is you've got to tell me, you could just tell me up in the common room, couldn't you?"

Remus shook his head and walked over to an empty frame. He cleared his throat - this was the first time he had said the password to the passageway - "Beati Pacifici," he said to the empty portrait.

Lily was just about to ask what he was doing when the frame opened up and revealed the passageway behind it. Her eyes widened and she stared at the darkness. "What - what's this?" she stammered, surprised. "How did you do that? How'd you know that was there?"

Remus shrugged, not wanting to get James in trouble by citing him as his source. "C'mon."

"We're going in there?" Lily demanded, peering at it again, "It looks filthy. What if there are spiders?"

"I'm sure there are," Remus answered, "But if you want to know the truth then you've got to follow me."

She sighed, "This has got to be breaking several school rules."

"It probably is," Remus answered. He held out his palm for her hand.

Lily glanced nervously back over her shoulder, but she took his hand and followed Remus into the mouth of the passageway just the same and they paused to watch the frame slide back into place. It was very dark in there and Lily felt her heart quicken with nerves. "Lumos," he whispered and his wand lit up the passage with a small ball of light. He led the way along through the dark, carefully pointing out the pits along the way. Lily couldn't believe she was doing this, following this boy through the dark bowels of Hogwarts. Anything could happen to them. Why was she trusting him so? But she couldn't bring herself to turn back. She was too desperate to know the truth about Remus Lupin to go back.

Finally, after what had seemed like eons to Lily, Remus pulled her off the little path they'd been following, through a wide crack in the wall and there they were in a little room, like a club house, complete with cushions and pictures hung up on the walls. Lily's eyes widened as she looked about. "What is this place?" she asked, awestruck.

Remus used his wand to light a couple lanterns 'round the walls that he, James, Sirius, and Peter had found on one of the occasions they'd come here - which had become somewhat regularly since they'd found it. Remus replied, "Just a place we found."

"You boys are always into something," Lily murmured, but it wasn't in an accusatory tone, it just was a statement of fact - and Remus couldn't very well deny it. They were always into something. He smiled as she watched Lily look over some of the photographs that Scrimgeour and his mates had stuck onto the walls with permanent sticking charms. She squinted. "Is that McGonagall?" she asked, pointing to one of the photos.

Remus went over and looked. "Blimey, I think it is," he said, "Wow. I didn't notice it, but now that you said it -- it's got to be. Looks exactly like her, doesn't it?"

Lily laughed, "I can't picture McGonagall ever having visited this room." She looked around, feeling as though she were seeing a new side of her head of house. She smiled, "Can you?"

"Not even a bit," Remus answered with a laugh.

Lily walked 'round the room a bit more, her fingertips trailing along the wall as she looked at the maps and papers strewn about. Finally, she set herself into a cushion and looked up at Remus with her large green eyes. She raised an eyebrow expectantly and he knew the time had come. She now expected an explanation.

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