The Duel at Breakfast

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The Duel at Breakfast

True to their promise to Remus, the three second year boys waited 'round the portrait hole to see Lily down to breakfast the next morning in their efforts to keep their eyes on her. She raised an eyebrow as she came down the stairs from the girl's dormitory to see them hanging about. "What are you lot up to?" She asked suspiciously when they followed her down the corridor.

"Just going to breakfast," replied Sirius casually.

"Like any other day," added James.

"While keeping an eye out for you," Peter tacked on. The other two glowered at him. "I mean, - I - it - I --"

"Keeping an eye on me?" Lily asked, stopping short so that Peter, still stammering, nearly slammed into her. "What are you keeping an eye on me for?" She demanded.

Sirius said, "Well you're upset, aren't you? We're just being here for you," he said, emphasizing the concept. "Making sure you know you aren't alone and all that, so you know you've got a couple shoulders to lean on if you need'em."

"Six shoulders, to be exact," James chimed in, "Two each! That's quite a lot of shoulders to cry on! You should consider yourself very lucky."

Lily glowered at him a moment, then turned to Sirius and Peter, "I am quite alright, thank you, I needn't any shoulders - much less six," she added, her gaze returning to meet James's.

"Well, they're here if you change your mind," said Sirius.

"All six of'm," James added.

"I won't need them," she said. Lily started back off down the corridor again. She got several feet ahead, but she could still feel their eyes on her back, hear their footfalls echoing her own. She sighed, annoyed, but ignored them. She ate her breakfast with them lined up across the table from her, all three watching her. She felt rather like a grenade about to explode, the way they were gazing at her expectantly. "Where is Remus, by the way?" She asked, hoping that getting them talking might make them stop staring like they were.

"An excellent question that I think quite a lot of people would rather like to know," came a voice from behind Lily. She turned around and there was Severus Snape, arms crossed over his chest. He was glaring very harshly at James, who was glaring just as harshly back.

"What business is it of yours where Remus is?" James asked Snape hotly.

"Sev!" Cried Lily in surprise before he could answer James's inquiry, "Whatever are you doing over here at the Gryffindor table? I thought this was forbidden territory for you?" Her voice carried just a hint of sarcasm.

Severus took a deep breath, "I need to talk to you. Can you come with me please?"

Lily shrugged, "Why don't you talk to me here?"

"It's a private matter," Severus said lowly, glancing at the other three.

Lily replied, "Well I'm busy, Sev, I've got important things to do that will keep me busy for some time. You know what it's like - it's just like you were all summer. I'll talk to you when I'm able." She turned back to the table and lifted up her toast.

James was smirking.

"Lily, come off it. I wasn't at home," Severus said, "That's not my fault you haven't got any other friends!"

Lily's eyebrows knit together.

Severus sighed, "That came out wrong, I know. I'm sorry. But Lily, will you come talk to me, please?" He reached for her shoulder and she shrugged him off. "Lily, please."

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