Pitching Tent

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Pitching Tent

Mrs. Pettigrew clutched Peter's fat cheeks in her palms, plopping kisses all over his round pink face. "Maaaaaa--" whined Peter, struggling to get away, his eyes catching Sirius's amused expression over her shoulder "Maaaaa-- cut it out, you're embarrassing me." He struggled to get out of her grasp.

When they'd used the floo to get to Diagon Alley - stumbling out of the fire in the Leaky Cauldron - Sirius turned to Peter, "Bloody hell, she's overbearing."

Peter was still straightening his hair from all the kisses she'd given him. "I know."

Sirius led the way past Tom the Bartender, who only half glanced at the two kids that had just come spinning out of his fireplace, and through the concealed passageway to Diagon Alley. Peter followed along, looking around with wide eyes. He'd never been to Diagon Alley by himself - always it had been with his mummy and elder sister. It was overwhelming now, especially with the added booths and saleswizards heralding their wares of lockets and talismans to keep away dark magic.

"C'mon Peter, those things don't work," said Sirius, dragging Peter away from a booth with bottles of powdered unicorn horn strung about on necklaces.

They arrived to the Quality Quidditch Supplies shop front, where they'd agreed to meet James. There were new brooms on display in the window, models that had just been released, and there were large clusters of Hogwarts students they recognized from around the castle out front of it, looking at the best bits of wood that galleons could buy. Peter looked up at the wide golden snitch sign that hung over the door on their way in.

James was admiring a display of prescription goggles that would keep him from having to wear his glasses in poor weather when Dora spotted Sirius and tapped James on the shoulder. James turned and his face lit up, "Hey! There you lot are!" He galloped across the shop. "Look at this!" he said, waving them to see the goggles, "Think how brilliant these would be on the pitch! Especially in the rain!"

"Awesome!" answered Sirius.

"See mum? They're awesome," James said, waving the goggles at Dora.

"Maybe another day," Dora replied. "We need to get back to your father."

James put the goggles back on the shelf with a sigh and followed Dora out the door to the main road. She looked about as she led them back to the Leaky Cauldron, her sharp eyes seeming to analyze every person they passed, not trusting a single one of them. She kept checking to be sure the three boys were there. Sirius leaned closer to James, "Have you mentioned the camping yet?" he whispered.

"My dad knows about it," James whispered back, "He said he'd tell her after we'd gone. He's getting the tent out for us now."

Peter edged in, not wanting to be left out, "Does he know... you know... why?"

"No," James replied. "Only the three of us know about that."

"Are you lot nervous?" Peter squeaked.

"I'm excited," James said.

"Me, too," Sirius chimed in, "Especially after the letter I got from Remus the other day. He sounds miserable. His dad's made him eat muggle pub chicken."

James smirked, "So?"

Sirius was about to answer when Dora turned 'round - they'd reached the alley by the Leaky Cauldron. Sirius had thought they were going in to use the floo, but instead Dora led them into the shadows between two buildings hurriedly. "Okay, one at a time. James." She held out her hand and grabbed onto his wrist. "Let's go. Stay here you two." With a crack they'd disapparated.

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