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It happened on a Saturday afternoon, when James and Sirius had snuck off to check on the potion in the Secret Room. They took a detour on their way back to Gryffindor Tower, turning instead the long way to go over the stone bridge. They had paused to look over the edge into the craggy depths below and marvel for about the hundredth time at it, when there came laughter from the far end of the bridge. Sirius looked up and quickly elbowed James to get his attention. Coming toward them was Isaac Horan and his mate Bertram Aubrey.

"Well look what we have here," Isaac said, "Where's your little guard, Potter?"

"Right here," replied Sirius, stepping forward.

Isaac laughed. "Sirius Black, the disappointment to his family. How's that feel?"

Sirius shrugged, pretending that the words didn't sting.

"Why don't you lot move along?" James demanded, "You're not wanted here." He started to turn back to looking over the crags when he heard a scuffle as Horan, Aubrey, and Sirius had all drawn their wands quite quickly. Horan's pointed at James, Sirius's at Horan, and Aubrey's at Sirius.

"Make my day," growled Sirius.

Horan glowered at Sirius.

"Drop your wand," demanded Aubrey.

"You drop yours," Sirius answered. "Both of you."

Aubrey snorted, "We're sixth years, Black, we don't take commands from second years like you." He grinned, "Especially not whimpering little girls like Potter."

The laugh that Aubrey and Horan shared following the comment was short lived.

"Macrocephaly!" shouted Sirius and his wand shot a jet of red sparks that cracked into Aubrey's unsuspecting face.

Horan changed positions to try and aim his wand at Sirius, but Aubrey had grabbed hold of his arm as his head had suddenly started to grow, exponentially, and he lost his balance, toppling into Horan's side as he clutched his shoulder. "What's happening?! What's happening?!?" shrieked Aubrey, panic soaking his voice, arms flailing helplessly about his head, as though grabbing a hold on his skull he might be able to hold it down from growing. "What's happening!??"

"Whoa!" Horan struggled to hold Aubrey up.

James was wide-eyed. "C'mon," Sirius said and he grabbed hold of James's arm and pulled him down the bridge quickly, but James was stumbling along, the sight of Aubrey's expanding head too mesmerizing to tear his eyes away from as Horan landed on the floor, Aubrey's fathead weighing him down. Sirius glanced back, too, to tell James to pay attention where they were running and -- "Uhmph!"

With a thud, they both fell backward onto the floor of the stone bridge, having collided full-force with Professor McGonagall, who caught herself - only just - in the frame of the doorway. "What is the meaning of this? Running through the corridors and -- oh my stars!!!" She had just spotted Aubrey. McGonagall snapped, "Do not move, either of you." And rushed past them down the bridge to where the two Slytherins lay, Aubrey shrieking as his head continued to expand.

Sirius looked at James, James looked back at Sirius. And just like that - when their eyes met - neither could stop from laughing.

They stopped laughing rather abruptly when, fifteen minutes later, they were sitting in Professor McGonagall's office, the fire crackling in the floo, glowing off her stern features. James looked at the little tin on her desk. He had a feeling he would not be offered a biscuit this time. He looked back up at Professor McGonagall. Her mouth was a straight line, and they'd been sitting there in absolute silence for several long moments, as though she were so angry she couldn't even come up with anything to say.

The Marauders: Year One | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now