The Hogwarts All-Star Quidditch Team

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The Hogwarts All-Star Quidditch Team

Derek Bell came out onto the pitch at exactly 18:00. He strode across the grass in his full Gryffindor uniform, the Quidditch set under one arm, his broomstick over his shoulder. On the pitch was gathered a sampling of the four teams, each dressed in their own team robes, holding their own brooms, and waiting expectantly. Nerves were running high.

"Alright you lot," Derek said, walking before them all, "We're picking for players who'll represent Hogwarts in the tourney against Ilvermorny. This isn't an ordinary game, it's an international challenge. We don't just win the glory of getting to say that we've won but we win the ability to show the entire world what Hogwarts students are made of."

"Atoms," said a Ravenclaw, "We're made of atoms."

Derek looked uncertain how to respond, finally settling on, "Right, yeah. Atoms. And also guts and bravery and good hearts and brains. We're stronger united than we are apart. That's why I want to be sure that each house is represented. I'm going to try very hard to be objective and a good captain." His eyes flickered to where the Gryffindor team stood. "Unfortunately for you lot that means you'll have to be trying extra hard as I'm not playing favorites at all."

A general smattering of applause ripped over them all.

"That's just what he's got to say before putting the whole of the Gryffindor team up for the all stars," Sirius said haughtily to Remus and Peter as they clapped and watched James and Lily take to the air down on the pitch. "Sort of a disclaimer so none of the sore sports can claim he didn't do his best to balance it out. James and Lily are shoe-ins for places on the team."

"I dunno mate," Remus said, "I've heard there's a spectacular chaser on Ravenclaw and there's only three spots for Chasers... Derek's one, so there's actually only two open."

Sirius shrugged, nonplussed by the math of it. It seemed impossible to fathom James and Lily not being on the tourney team with how well they had played throughout the term. But he cheered and jumped up and down as the try-outs went on just the same.

There were quite a few really great players on the pitch, though, and things were getting quite competitive. Derek had given each of the players the instructions to wear their uniforms so that they were numbered and if he shouted out the number a certain player was wearing, that player was out of the running and would have to go and sit down in the stands. Sirius excitedly sat on the edge of his seat, hoping not to hear numbers 28 or 5.

About halfway through, James and Lily both still in the running, there was a stirring on the bench behind them and Remus turned to look. He was surprised to see Chriselda Blythe settling herself down there. "Professor Blythe," he said, "Hello."

"Hello Remus," she greeted him. It had been a couple weeks since they'd seen Professor Blythe, other than during meals in the Great Hall. She was still not teaching classes and the rumors going about the castle was that she was being investigated for something, but nobody knew exactly what it was. "How are the try-outs going so far?" she asked.

Sirius turned back in surprise, too, at the sound of her voice, "I didn't know you were a quidditch fan."

Chriselda Blythe shrugged her shoulders. "It's not a horrid sport."

"It's brilliant," Sirius answered, turning back as Derek's whistle blew and he shouted out several more numbers down on the pitch - one of them was Frank Longbottom's. Frank landed his broom on the grass in disappointment.

Remus asked, "When are you going to be teaching Defense again? We miss you." McGonagall wasn't a bad teacher, but it was becoming quite apparent that Professor McGonagall was becoming tired with the two classes to juggle. She'd come into Transfiguration earlier that week and pulled out her Defense book and begun talking about counter-jinxes before Lily had reminded her they were in Transfiguration.

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