Wilted Yellow Daisies

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Wilted Yellow Daisies

Severus had seen so many films over the summer with Lily that the workers at the cinema recognized them by the time the end of August had come. They'd even seen a few of the films multiple times because they'd enjoyed them so much. Severus loved sitting in the dark beside Lily and holding the buttery popcorn in his lap. He liked that Lily had to reach over to get some, and the sound it made when she chewed it.

When he woke up on September 1st, he smiled to himself as he stared up at the ceiling. Things would be different this term, he told himself. They would be far more wonderful than the previous terms. Neither Lucius Malfoy nor Narcissa Black were going to be there to be constantly looking over him as they had done the last two years. Lily was on excellent terms with him now, and he was pretty sure that they would be an item upon his return to Hogwarts. He dreamily lay about, his imagination playing over the idea of rumors spreading about the school -- rumors that Severus Snape and Lily Evans were snogging. He grinned even harder at the thought that perhaps, at some point, they might not be rumors anymore.

There came a rough knocking on the door, "Severus! Hurry and get dressed right away."

"Yes mother," he called. He glanced at the alarm clock - had he really wasted that much time? - and got up, hurrying to pull on his robes.

Downstairs, Eileen had made a dismal excuse for a breakfast and Severus poked at it with a tarnished fork, his face screwed up at the unappetizing food before him. "You have to eat," Eileen Prince told him, "It's very important that you have loads of protein in you."

Severus didn't want to admit it was disgusting, so he quickly shoveled it into his mouth to appease her. The sooner he ate, the sooner they could go to Platform 9¾ and the sooner he could see Lily.

The steam filled the platform when he had finally arrived, the Express still hissing with heat and condensation. There were loads of students milling about, several trying to pry themselves away from their mothers. Severus quickly said goodbye to his and weeded his way through the crowd, searching for the Evans. He spotted Mr. Evans first - a tall man with Lily's hair. He made his way toward him, knowing Lily would be there, too.

"They let you back in again this year, did they, Snivels?"

Severus was suddenly shoved and he tripped, dropped the bag he was carrying, and there was a crunch of potion bottles as it hit the concrete. He rushed to pick up the bag, not bothering to look up at James Potter, who he knew was smirking over him. He could feel several people had looked about as he scrambled for the stuff that had fallen out of his bag, scooping up a spilled bag of dead lacewings. He swept them into the pouch they'd come from and shoved it all back in quickly.

"Sorry 'bout that, it was an accident." James held out a palm in Severus's face as though to help up. Severus's eyes followed James's arm up to his shoulder... his face... and he slowly stood up without the help. "Blimey, won't even accept a hand up?"

"Not from a blood traitor's son," Severus whispered. He quickly stepped 'round James and hurried on his way toward where he'd seen Mr. Evans... but he no longer could see the head of fiery red hair and it just seemed like he was getting tangled among the students, rather than finding the one he'd intended to. He sighed and decided he'd just find Lily on the Express. He'd find them a compartment to share on the ride and they'd have a jolly good time talking about the films they'd gone to see over the summer whatever else came to mind. He'd purchased the cheapest, most worn out used copies of all his textbooks, just to squeeze a bit of extra money out of his book money for school to go to the sweet shop in Diagon Alley and he'd bought a couple of sugar quills for him and Lily to share on the train.

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