Remus's Valentine

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Remus's Valentine

The notice went up early in the morning, four days before Valentine's Day. Gryffindor common room was crowded with people from every year bustling about before the notice board, jostling and fighting to see. "Now is when it would come in handy to be a bird," James hissed to Sirius as they tried to get to the board.

The arrival of the Ilvermorny Quidditch Team will be heralded with a feast in the Great Hall on the first of April, the parchment read, In addition to the introduction to Ilvermorny's team, the Hogwarts Quidditch Team players shall also be honored at the feast. All current house team players are welcome to try out on the pitch on Friday afternoon, at 18:00 sharp.

"There you are, Potter," said Sirius, excitedly clapping him on the back.

Lily slipped past them to see the notice board, "Is it about the tourney, then?" she asked, on her tiptoes to read the board. She grinned, "Excellent." She turned to the boys, "I'm very excited to meet the Americans, aren't you? I wonder what they're like."

"They have funny accents, for one," said Sirius.

Lily laughed.

Remus and Peter, who had waited outside of the cluster of students for James and Sirius to tell them what the notice said, were standing by the portrait hole, ready to go down to breakfast. Lily joined them as they went down the corridor, discussing the news of the Ilvermorny team's imminent arrival. "It ought to be a lovely feast," said Lily dreamily, "Dumbledore will wish to impress the American minister for magic."

"He's called a president in America," Remus said.

They were still talking about the Americans when they reached the Great Hall. "I've heard Americans can be pretty rude," said Peter nervously, "You don't think they'll be bullies, do you?" He looked about at the others as they took their seats at the table.

Derek Bell leaned in, having overheard Peter's worries, "I've been writing their captain all term - Jack Scout's his name. He plays Keeper and he's a good egg. Been playing Quidditch since he was a wee one. I don't think you'll be needing to worry about him bullying anybody."

"See, Peter, you're worrying for nothing," said Sirius.

"It's not for nothing," Peter argued, "What if he has some Slytherins on his team?"

Bilius spoke up this time, "Ilverymorny houses are named differently, you dunderhead."

"They are?" James looked up, interestedly.

"Of course," Bilius replied, "Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff are only named as such because of the school's founders. Ilvermorny's are named after magical beasts. Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird, and Pukwudgie."

Sirius made a face. "Oi, imagine being in Pukwudgie."

"I'd rather not," James answered.

Lily gave them a stern face, "Don't you be judging them for their culture. The United States has a lot of funny names based on old Native American culture. I think it's brilliant they carried that over to the Magical Community as well."

"I do, too," said Remus, nodding.

"But still -- Pukwudgie, mate," James said, "There's loads of magical creatures they could've used instead."

Lily sighed, "You're impossible, Potter," she snapped. "You're as bad as the Slytherins."

That riled James up right quick, "Oi!" he shouted, looking deeply offended. Several Ravenclaws turned raised eyebrows on the Gryffindor table when he yelled.

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