Chapter 26

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(Camila's POV)

I trotted down the stairs to join the rest with the movie. I'm not about to just ruin the fun by crying and making people worry about me! Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the Doritos and poured them into two seperate bowls then walked into the living room.

"Oh, hey Mila.." Niall looked up at me. I smiled back to him to let him know I was okay.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

"PARANORMAL." they grinned.

"YESSS. Which one?''

"4." Harry looked up at me with his dazzling green eyes and pulled me to cuddle with him. Soon the movie started and my phone buzzed in my pocket.

From: Smokyeyeslaurenxx

'You guys look like a couple ! Be careful!'

I glanced up to see Lauren already staring at me then typed in a reply.

To: Smokyeyeslaurenxx

Yeah, don't worry! :/ The guys are probably passing Harry off as a flirt right now. xD'

"Hey!" I heard Harry quietly whine. I giggled and tilted my head back to see his head on my shoulder, reading the texts.

From: Smokyeyeslaurenxx

Oh, good point ;) lol. Now watch the movie!

To: Smokyeyeslaurenxx

Yeah, and you go cuddle with your boyfriend, Zayn now :3'

Lauren stuck her tongue and me before turning her head back to the movie.


(Harry's POV)

I woke up in my room and went into the bathroom to freshen up before changing into a grey hollister top and jeans. I went downstairs to see the girls passed out on the sofas with Niall by Ally and Camila. What's he doing here? Ah, whatever. I walked over to Camila and slowly sat beside her, careful not to wake anyone up.

"Babe, wake up." I kissed her lips softly and watched as her eyelids fluttered open.

"Oh, morning." she sat up and stretched, "What time is it?"

"It's ten now." I answered and scooped her bridal style into the kitchen.

"kk. I'm going up to change and wash up." she pecked my cheek and trudged into the bathroom upstairs. I pulled out the pancake mix and started mixing the ingredients. Pouring the batter onto the frying pan, I heard Camila humming a Ed tune and turned around to see her taking my place in cooking the pancakes. She was wearing cream shorts, a loose tank top with a bureau underneath and a mint colored bow to match the bandeau. I slung my arms around her waist from behind and rested my head on top of hers.

"What are the plans today?" she asked.

"Um..We're probably going swimming today. How does that sound to you, love?"

"Uh, yeah. That'd be great." she smiled and nodded. I turned her around, lifted her chin and quickly pecked her lips before jumping at the sound of another voice.

"UM. AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE?" I whipped around to see Zayn leaning on the doorway, arms crossed.

"Uh, haha, yeah.'' I chuckled nervously.

"Harry and I are dating," Camila stepped in confidently.

"Oh, congrats. Since when?" he smiled and stole a pancake from the plate. Well that went by easily.

"About a month." she shrugged.

"Were you planning on telling us?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we didn't know how and we weren't sure about management.'' I added. He nodded and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't hurt her alright, mate? My sister, my responsibility." he stated."

"Now, no one said that.'' she joked.


SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATE IN A WHILE. Please don't hate me! :D: I'll write more chapters soon. So how do you think they should tell Niall?

BTW anyone remember the movie, Lemonade Mouth? Remember Mo, the violin player who plays bass. Her name is Naomi Scott and I honestly think she's perfect to date someone I'm One Direction! SHE LOOKS GOOD WITH ZAYN.SHE'S BORN IN MAY, 1993. THINK ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT Okay I'll let you do whatever now. BYEEEE


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