Chapter 17

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(Camila's POV)


'Hey babe (; Want to come over today? I love you<3 xx'

Pang. What was that? My heart. The Butterflies. It's amazing how this boy can make me feel. I quickly typed in a quick reply and hit send.

'Yeah, sure. See you in a few. I love you tooxx'

"Hey guys I'm going to Harry's place!" I yelled to the girls.

Ding. I opened up the text from Harry.

'Oh and bring the girls if you want so they can meet the boys :) <3'

"GIRLS! CHANGE OF PLAN. YOU'RE ALL COMING WITH ME. HARRY WANTS YOU OVER" I shouted. The girls came bounding down the stairs.

"Leggoo." Ally smiled.

"Oh, yeah! That reminds me, Ally-cat, how did you know the guys already?" I asked, confusion on all of our faces except Ally.

"You knew them?" Normani and Dinah asked at the same time.

"Yeah, Louis and I met at hollister the day we had our autograph session at the mall. You went to grab us our drinks at starbucks." she answered, pointing her last sentence to me.

"Ooh.. That's when I met Harry." I smiled as the girls ooed followed by an 'Oh, snap girl.' We walked out the front door and talked as we walked over to their house. I love talking like this.. Just us girls, together. I smiled as we continued or way past the shops.



The door opened to a fine-looking Harry.

"Hey girls, come on in." he said as he opened the door wider, motioning his hands towards the living room.

"Thanks." they said as they walked into the room full of boys. I stayed back with Harry as he shut the door.

"Well hello to you, my love." he said, attempting to do a curtsie.

"Hey babe." I laughed and connected my lips with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he laid his hands on my waist, soon asking for entrance. Well I was about to let him until-

"WHAT?? WHAT IS THIS?? HAZZA HONEY?!" We heard Louis scream from the top of the stairs. He came running down as Harry and I came running to him and clamping my hand over his mouth.

"Louis, HUSH!" Harry exclaimed. I took my hand off his mouth to reveal an annoying smirk.

"Guys?" we heard Lauren ask. I froze and looked over, realizing we were standing right infront of the doorway where we were clear in sight.

"A gaame... Yeah." I said awkwardly walking in to take a seat beside Zayn.

"Hey loser." Zayn said as he put an arm around me. I could practically feel Harry tense from around the room.

"Hey weirdo." I smiled then looked up at Harry, meeting his eyes. Beautiful green eyes.. Haha- earth to Mila?

Everyone sat on the couches as we all played with our phones.

'Ding.' followed by another ding. I pulled out my phone to get a text from Louis in a group conversation with Harry.

"So... wanna tell me what's up?" I looked up at Louis as he was already looking at me, still smirking. I turned my attention to Harry, he nodded his head to agreement of telling Louis.

H- Camila is my girlfriend :)

C- Yup! Harry is my boyfriend. :)

I smiled and looked up at Harry who was looking at me who met my eyes that sent love through them. I just love this feeling..

"AWEE CONNECTION!" Louis suddenly yelled breaking the silence. Everyone's gaze turned to Louis in confusion. He just shook his head and turned back to his phone along with everyone else.

L- 'When were you planning on telling us??'

H- We were going to surprise you guys somehow. So just PLEASE keep your mouth shut about it for now?

C- And keep it from management!

L- Oh, I see... I can't believe this.. HAZZA YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME!

Harry ad I burst out laughing causing everyone in the room to stare at us.

"Um, are you guys okay...?" Niall asked.

"Yup. Perfectly fine!" I said, unlocking my phone.

H- Wow, Boobear. Look what you did. But you'll always be my little boobear. :) :) <3 I luv youu

L- Aweee,I wuv you too Hazza, honey :) <3

C- Awe, what about me? ):


H- I love you, babe. <3

I smiled up at Harry as the notification lit up.

"Who's that?" Zayn asked! Looking at my phone. Damn. Harry looked to Zayn then Louis. Now everyone's attention were to me.

"No One..."

"Really, babe? No one? It said I love you, babe. With a heart!" he smirked. What's with all thè smirking today, like seriously.

"Ooo, let me see." Liam said, walking over to the spot beside me on the couch. I frantically looked up at Louis then Harry.

"NOO! I'LL SEE IT!" Louis yelled, grabbing my phone from me and running out of the room. THANK YOU LOUIS.

"Well. I am going to go try and get my phone back. Wish me luck!" I said as I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where Louis was.

"Gosh, thanks Louis. I owe you one."

"No problem." he answered, sitting down at the counter, starting up angry birds in his phone as Harry walked in.

"Wow, that was close." he said, running his hand through his curls.

"Sure was." I replied as he came over and kissed me on the lips passionately.

"Ugh, guys. Save it for later??" Louis interupted. Harry just laughed.

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