Chapter 9 : "I'm sorry"

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Robyns POV:

I watched on one side of the bed, as Drew shut the door to his room, leaving us together, alone in his apartement.

I never actually been to his house before.

My whole body ached and my head throbbed endlessly with a painful headache.

I just couldn't believe this all happened to me but I was happy it was all over.

All I wanted was to take a nice bubble bath, drink some wine and forget all this ever happened.

Drew still hasn't answered my question but I just didn't want to push it; after he tightened his jaw in slight anger. Its been kind of awkward. Hopefully he tells me because this is a huge secret.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say or do. Inwardly sighing, I began fiddling with my thumbs, avoiding Drew's eyes on me.

The bed shifted due to the weight being put on it. "Do you want to take a bath.. or shower?" I heard Drew mumble softly.

I looked up at him, nodding my head. "Yes, please."

He stood up, walking over to me and picking me up for before making his way into the bathroom; It was pretty sweet.

Settling me on top of the counter by the sink, I took a deep breath, letting go of him.

Drew looked into my eyes for a moment before turning away from me and over to the bathtub. He turned the knobs, filling the tub up with warm water.

When everything was set up, Drew walked back over to me. "Okay, the bath is all set up. Are you going to be okay by yourself or do you need any help?" He bit down on hips bottom lip, staring into my eyes.

I shook my head no

I don't know what it was but there was something about the way he was looking at me that made my stomach do backflips.

"Call me if you need anything. I'll be in the room, okay?"

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Okay."

He leaned down, pressing his lips softly to my forehead before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a soft click!

I hopped off of the counter slowly, not wanting to hurt myself shimming my way out of my clothes.

Stepping into the bath, grabbing a small sponge, I began rubbing at my skin, wanting nothing more than to forget tonight ever happened and the feeling of Marco on me.

I finished washing my hair and I was back to washing my body.Seeing the cuts and bruises on my wrists brought my emotions to a whole new level and within seconds.

I heard the strum of a guitar. Which stopped the emotion.

Un-plugging the tub, I grabbed a burgandy robe to wrap around me, from behind the door.

I tipy toed into Drew's room, cracking the door. I seen him playing the guitar. Humming a sweet melody. I was so mesmerized; I kept leaning in.

My clumsiness took over and I fell over my toes flinging the door open.

"whoa" Drew said looking at me.

"uh, hey" I chuckled nervously.

"What are you singing? A new song perhaps?" I said biting down on my bottom lip.

"yeah, its a surprise." Drew said swiping his tounge against his bottom lip. Putting his guitar down.

I walked towards Drew, placing my body between his legs.

I placed my head on his forehead.

Staring into his eyes; before placing my lips on his.

Drews POV

I whisked my lips against hers lightly, our breathing colliding with one another's as we stared deep into each others eyes.

Licking my lips to moisten them, I closed my eyes before firmly pressing my lips to hers.

Robyn reluctantly began kissing back, her lips fitting against mine perfectly.

I pulled her in closer with my free hand that was still firmly placed against her hip, my fingers digging slightly into her skin as my lips began pushing against hers.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulled my head closer to hers, our noses pressing together due to the strength in our kiss.

Dropping my hand from her cheek down to her waist, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her up and on top of my lap so that she straddled me.

"I'm sorry" I said before kissing her again.

"don't be its not your fault, at least you found me before I could end up in the hospital" she said looking deeply into my eyes.

Nuzzling her head into the nape of my neck and she pressed her lips to the skin on my neck where she began sucking and biting on it.

I moaned, moving my neck to the side so that I gave her more space to do as she pleased.

I slid my hands down her waist, grasping her ass into my hands as I gave it a slight squeeze making her squeal in surprise. I smirked.

I felt her hands press against my chest as she pushed down against it, making me lay back in bed as she laid down on top of me, her lips never detaching from mine.

I gripped at her waist before turning us over so that I was now on top of her. Kissing down from her lips to her neck, I began giving her the same pleasure she gave me, using more tongue and teeth resulting in the sweet sound of her moans relinquishing themselves.

Moving back up to her lips, I began kissing her once more.

She took a deep breath in before pulling away. "I can't do this now, I don't have the strength."

"Alright babe, I'm going to go shower."

I removed the robe from my body, folding it and laying it to the side before slipping on Drew's sweatpants and shirt; from his dresser. Before picking up the blanket and laying myself inside Drew's comfy bed.

My eyes closed and before I knew it, I fell into a deep slumber.

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