Chapter 15: "You're so beautiful, you know that?"

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Drews POV

"Pass the mashed potatos, please." Jake asked me. We were all eating dinner at the table after, helping my mom make dinner.

I was extremely happy that my mom loved Robyn, and my brother.. maybe a little too much. But something was missing.. my dad. Mom said he was working but I really need him to meet Robyn.

As we were cleaning up after eating dinner; for dessert. An familiar voice called out. "I'M HOME"

I heard the person foot steps walking closer to where we are.

"DREW!" It was my dad. I ran up to him hugging him.

"I didn't think you were going to come"

My mom came back from the kitchen with Robyn, placing the food on the table before hugging my dad.

I held my arm out pulling Robyn into my side, by her waist.

"Dad, this is my beautiful girlfriend Robyn."

He put out his hand to shake hands with Robyn.

After exchanging "hi's" we sat down to eat moms brownies with icecream; which makes Jake go nuts.

"So, Drew how are you and the boys?" My dad said before taking a bite from his brownie.

"We've been playing a few shows, life's been good; but I do miss being home."


I was coming downstairs from the washroom when I heard laughter. I seen my mom and Robyn looking at pictures, then I knew something was going on.

Looking over Robyns shoulder I seen my baby pictures, all over the table and floor.

"Seriously mom?" I sighed. "Well I'm ready to go, you ready Robyn?"

"Sure," she nodded up at me. "But I'm going to take this picture. If that's alright with your mom"

My mom nodded. "I have plenty copies, don't worry"

Robyn picked up a picture of me with my 1st birthday cake all over my face.

We walked to the door and hugged everyone goodbye before jumping into the car and driving off.

"You're family is amazing." Robyn kissed my cheek.

"I was so nervous from before, but you were there with me." I smiled back at her before looking back at the road.


Robyns POV

I was listening to Drew's heart beat as I layed on his chest, watching the stars.

"You know what I love about you Robyn?" Drew said as he played with my hair.


"I love how much I'm involved in your life and I love all the memories shared with you. Your sense of adventure and flexibility. You can handle my wanderlust and incessant need for change. I love that you're so loving and affectionate. You're simply adorable when you always rest your hand on my knee when I drive or how you feel most comfortable when you sleep with your arms curled up to my chest. You're everything to me."He helped me up so we were standing facing each other. "You're so beautiful, you know that?"

I blushed like a fool, biting my bottom lip.

He gave me a piggy back ride to the cabin, opening the door he walked to the kitchen placing me on the counter; He was between my legs, staring into my eyes.

Gripping onto his neck I brought him closer to me closing off any space that dare come between us. Running his large rough hands down my sides they landed on my thighs. Wrapping my legs tightly around his torso I scooped closer feeling him smirk under the kiss.

Running his tongue along my bottom lip he gave my thighs a quick squeeze making me gasp. Sticking his tongue into my mouth he began to deepen it slowly. I felt dizziness overwhelm me, the kiss was so erotic and beautiful I felt like I was floating. Moaning softly he took his lips away from mine before trailing soft kisses starting from my ear down towards my collarbones.

Gripping his hair tightly I pulled him closer, sinking his teeth in ever so slightly I gasped from the feeling. Moaning he began to suck and nibble at the same spot causing me to whimper in satisfaction.

"D-Drew" I closed my eyes and leaning my head giving him more access. Smirking against my skin he lifted his head and pecked me once more before taking a step back admiring my neck. I touched the spot where he just kissed and hissed from the pain. Noticing I had my very first hickey.

"I had to babe, you're so beautiful."


Narrator POV

It was are last day in the cabin Drew and Robyn were leaving this morning. They got in the car after Drew put the last suitcase in the trunk. Robyn leaned against the window smiling to herself, thinking about all the beautiful things Drew said too her. She was thinking about him and her future, the future of her and him being in together. She wants him in her life forever, hopefully Drew feels the same.

As they got back to Drew's apartment Drew fell back on the couch, saying "home sweet home" Robyn sat beside him before sitting on his lap, kissing his lips she nervously asked, biting on her bottom lip.

"Do you see us together in the future?"

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