Chapter 4: Phone Call..

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The cold water from the shower head beat down on my body, a chill running down my spine from the contact and confinement of the cool temperature of the currents.

I usually shower in cold water in tthe mornings, the reason is unknown.

My phone started ringing, which startled my heart. My hand clutched a towel that I wrapped around myself. Walking to my phone in my bedroom.

It said Lora. I wonder why she's calling..


'Robyn I need your help. I need you to find me. I don't know where I am and I'm scared. Don't call the police. All I know is that, I'm across a building, some where in a old house in the woods, please hurry. I think he wants to finally hurt me and kill me. I Hear him com-'

'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TOO' I heard a mans voice In the background, and a hard slap.

The call ended. I didn't know what to think. How am I going to find her? She doesn't want me too call 911. Since she has a record also.

I was sitting there for an hour crying. I know my mom and I don't have the best relationship but she's my mom.

I threw on my california republic sweater, black jeans and doc martens. I put my hair in a ponytail. Trying not too cry, I called Ashlynn.

'Hey Robyn"

'Ash my mom is in trouble, I don't know what to do or where to go or how to get there. You have to come so we can find her.'

'oh my lord. Ok I'm on my way. But we can't go there alone, we're girls its dangerous. I'm calling Keaton Wes and Drew alright'

'Please just hurry Ash'

I hung up the phone.

My knees got weak I dropped to the ground. I can't take this.

I went in my kitchen and pulled out a bottle of vodka out the cupboard and drank it down.

I know, I told Drew I wasn't going to drink but I need this.

The liquid uoyo down my throat with a burning sensation.

Waiting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering. I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night.

Finishing half the bottle I dropped it on the floor, shattering into pieces. Looking down at the broken glass.

I picked up a shard, still covered in vodka. Lifting up my sleeve. I moved the glass slowly against my wrist. Watching my flesh open up and bleed.

It stung a bit because the vodka still left on the glass. I can't explain, why I did this to myself. Maybe the alcohol went to my brain, making me go crazy and the stress made it worse.

Maybe if my mom listened to me and loved me like a mother should instead of prostituting and selling drugs.We wouldn't be here.

Looking down at my wrist, I was bleeding really hard. I couldn't let Ash see me like this.

Running up the stairs, I wrapped my wrist with the bandage from the first-aid kit, under the bathroom sink.

The doorbell rang and I rushed back downstairs. I didn't want to be alone. Opening the door, I jumped into Ashlynn's arms. I was crying and screaming too her.

"We will find her" she whispered rubbing my back.

I couldn't even walk to the car, Ashlynn helped me. Holding on to my side.

I got into the backseat with Wes and Drew. They put me in the middle.

"I know your upset but were going to need you, to calm down. Close your eyes then, take a deep breathe in then out." Drew said as he wiped the tears, from my cheeks.

"I don't know, how I'm going to find her Drew. All she told me, she knew was in a house, in the woods."

"Do you know anyone that would try and hurt her? " Wes said to me.

We were all just sitting in silence, on my drive way. I thought long and hard. Then it hit me.

"Marco" I said breaking the silence.

"He's been trying to hurt her. She owed him money"

"Do you know, Where this Marco guy would take her?"

"He has a safehouse. In some forest. I remembered walking in that forest with my mom, when I was little. She would tell me to wait outside, and she would come back. Smelling like crack and higher than cloud 9"

"Deadwood Forest?" Keaton said looking back at me.

"Yes, I think that's what it's called. How'd you know?"

"My friends and I went in there and it smelt awful."

"Since we know where we're going let's go. I'll drive Ash." Wes said switching spots with Ash.

Wes backed up out the drive way and that's when are journey began.

I let out a big breath of air, I didn't know I was holding in.

"Robyn.. Have you been drinking?" Drew looked at me confused.

He caught me, I knew I should've ate some mints or something.

"I was only trying to take the pain away."

"You promised."

"Please don't be mad at me, I didn't know what else to do."

"It's okay, let's just focus on finding your mom."

Wes turned on the radio to settle the mood, Instead of everyone just sitting in silence.

My belly gurgled, I didn't eat anything. No breakfast or lunch. Just half a bottle of vodka which, didn't have an effect on me because, I drink all the time.

"Keaton, do you have any food?"

He always had some kind of food with him, which is really smart of him.

"Here" Keaton passed me a chocolate bar.

"Thanks, you saved me"

"So.. what's the plan? we don't have weapons?"

"Don't you have pocket knives in your glove Department?"

"Yeah but, what good will that do when they point guns and we point Knives?"

"First of all Ash, we don't know if they fucking have guns. Second, your not making me feel any better and, Third, all I care about is my mom being alright. I don't want to lose my mom, I've already lost my dad to gang violence."

The next 20 minutes, nobody spoke just the music played around us. Until we got there, at 9:27.

"Well here's the place" Wes said parking the car outside the woods.

"Alright, I'll go in with Robyn. Wes come with us to, and Keaton, Ash stay in the car. You'll be lookout."

Drew, Wes and I went into the forest, on full alert. We spotted the safe house. No lights were on and there was no one in sight. We crouched down trying to not get caught, or make any sounds by stepping on a branch. We entered the cellar door, stupid guy didn't put a lock. Drew went first, me then Wes.

I spotted my mom on the cold ground. Laying in hay lifeless..

I ran to her trying to wake her up.

"Mom, mom!" I cried as Drew and Wes stood by in total shock.

I checked her pulse.

She wasnt breathing well.. was she dying?

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