Blue, Pink, and Blonde?

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------Your pov------

You stood there confused. Very confused.

"Ok a pinkette or whatever is gonna die today." You thought balling your fists in anger.

But you were tired after your long trip. And hey who could blame ya?

You saw a girl named Cana chugging on a barrel of beer. You took it and chugged it. She was to drunk to notice luckily.

Then you went over to the boys. You were in between them both and pulled their ears. Hard.

"Owww is that you Erza? It wasn't my fault I swear!" He said no yelled oblivious to who it was.

"No this isn't Erca or Erza it's Y/N you big goof!" You said a tad annoyed and happy. With a tint of sadness. You messed up his hair and laughed and squeezed him. All your anger went away (Lucky Natsu).

You were even close to crying. Too close.

"I've missed you too ya bigger goof and stop doing that to my hair!" You knew he wanted to cry also. That jerk called your brother was always trying to act cool.

"After you put on a shirt and pants Ice princess." You tease wondering why he stripped.

"Just need a stripping pole..... Bwahahaha...Oh my silly mind but still...."  You thought ready to burst with laughter.

"I told you to stop calling me that! I sing it in the shower one time... And what did you say about clothes?" He looked at himself and quickly put some on much to a certain blue haired girl in the back's disappointment.

"Ummm errr it's a habit..." Gray said his face red.

"Ice princess pfft.." Natsu said trying not to laugh.

"Wanna go Cotton candy?"
You said a tad overprotective of Gray. You then you used water magic on him.

"Wait Cotton Candy? I can do better than that..." You thought trying to think of a better nickname.

"Oooh your strong let's fight!" He said happily with a grin.

"Hmm? Oh! Sure umm what's your name?" You said a tad embarrassed.

"Oh right! Mines Natsu! I know your Y/N Gray talked about you a lot. He said nudging and smirking at Gray.

"Dawww you still talk about little ol me?" You said hugging him and laughing.

"Be quiet." He said as he laughed also.

You were about to say "Let's start the fight!" Until a blue cat came and ran to Natsu.

"Natsuuuuu who is she she made Gray laugh I've been wanting to do that for years!" He said really curious.

You having a soft spot for animals fangirled all over him and scratched him behind the ears. (Idk I dont have a cat err... exceed )

"Whoever she is I lllllike her." He said smiling while he purrs.

"Tch still the same huh" He laughs resting his elbow on you.

"Gray if you wanna keep that arm I suggest you take it off my head." You said angry.

He quickly apologized and you two started to catch up.

------Quick Natsu's pov------

He couldn't help but stare at you when you fangirled over Happy.

You were too just cute.

"Gah! Snap out of it she's Pervy Popsicle's sister." He said in a whisper.

Then you sneezed (like a kitten //shot). Then he was convinced you were adopted.

------Your pov------

"OK Natsu fighting time!" You got in a fighting pose while Natsu did the same but he seemed to be... Distracted. Almost blushing maybe?

You took this moment to look at him more closely he didn't look that bad. Actually you loved that pink hair of his. You just didn't know why.

"Y/N concentrate..." You said to yourself, then you got interrupted. A tiny man stood in front of you and even made Natsu's stand up straight.

"Enough! Now excuse me miss who are you?" He said, staring at your body.

"I'm Y/N sir. I'm a Gray's sister." You said, pointing at him.

"Hmm, I see I also saw you did water magic. Oh, I have an idea would you like to join Fairy Tail?" He said having a father's grin.

You didn't know what to answer after his sudden change in personality and for the fact you were always solo. But you were lonely. So you looked at Gray and he nodded. You then knew your answer.

"Okay, sir, I would be honored to join." You said jumping in excitement.

"Heh. Just call me Gramps now I'll get the tattoo ready but now. Welcome to the family!"

Now everyone was staring at you, also cheering and clapping while you were laughing and blushing. Then you noticed a certain blond in the audience.

"Lucy?!" You said in shock.

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