A Beginning Covered in Oddities

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(It... gets the job done? This is such a bad first impression to you new readers, I'm so sorry XD.)

None of the art in this story is mine btw! I'm so sorry that I can't find their original owners, please comment them if you find any along the way!! I will be very grateful!


You and Gray was amazing friends, with friendship necklaces to boot. You were both siblings. You made him stuff such as gifts, but you made a scarf he was particularly fond of. Though never wore.

Your mom died while giving birth to Gray. You were the older sister you were understandable mad at him in the beginning, but then disappointed in yourself that you hated him yet he did nothing. He didn't choose to kill her, or to even be born. He was innocent.

You promised to never cry after that. To not get reminded of that incident you promised to yourself and Gray. It was a shameful and harsh period of time for you. And tears were a sign if weakness to you, and you had to be strong.

Your dad always said your mom would paint the sunset, and that she did so because she loved seeing the look on your face when you saw it. It was a story you held on too to not feel too alone. It worked.

On the magic side you had water magic. While Gray had ice unusual, but it happens. This made it much easier to survive in your icy village.

On an oddly cold day,  Deloria came and killed your dad, all you had was Gray. You and Gray got separated nonetheless, but managed to escape.


You were found by a girl named Lucy. You two immediately hit it off and became friends. She hid you in her ginormous closet so her dad wouldn't find you. You never really understood as too why.

You eventually had to leave, leaving you both extremely sad, but you had to find your brother though you didn't like to get to into detail about him. To make the leaving less sad, and hopefully get some type of laugh, you promised if you don't come back in 6 years she could dress you up as she wished. Much to your dismay. Though her laugh made it all the worthwhile.

She gave you a pack filled with goodies. And as you ran off there were several goods and the scarf you made Gray, that made your breath hitch. Along with a note. It explained she found it and fixed for you as a thank you for being her second friend, and a surprise. She wished you luck on your journey.

After that you couldn't take it. You sobbed and sobbed, you hadn't for so long, just making sure you got food and stayed alive when you had your family, and even that got taken. First friend? Taken too. You felt weak, but when the sunset came over the horizon you had to smile, just a tad. As you wrapped the scarf around you and made the excuse that you cried for water to drink.

You on your journey became a lot stronger. You didn't talk to people much. Most were idiots in your mind, but it was mostly cause you're a bit shy. You overheard your brother Gray's name being talked about in a guild called Fairy Tail on one occasion though, and that peaked your attention.

You finally arrived to the guild. After so, so many years what do you firstly see?

Him, your brother, with no shirt I may add. Being blasted around with a Cotton Candy Pink haired guy breathing fire at him. Let's just say you weren't amused.

At. All.

Okay. Maybe seeing him get his butt burned was a little funny. But otherwise, you were ready for murder if needed.


( UPDATE: For the people commenting/ going to comment about all the inconsistencies or mistakes in this story... I already know them all xD.

I've decided to leave this story as is though, as even though it's a mess, it's my mess. I don't feel the need to change it, as I made it so long ago, I think maybe in early Middle School? Late-ish Elementary? So, yeah.

Nonetheless, I will never understand how this story grew so large-  *currently at 50k plus readers at the time of me writing this cough cough hOW*, BUT I SURE AS HECK WILL BE GRATEFUL FOR IT. Thank you, truely.

For ones confused as to why I don't respond to comments anymore BTW, please read my bio! And for the ones who arent, please read it anyway! It holds a lot of info I want you to read!!

But, yeah. You guys all truely rock.

And to the new readers reading this, you now know what to expect by this story, so either run, or strap in for a ride.)

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